As I said see how I feel later during the wee witching hours after sleeping
On the 1 hand I want to be like Jovinho etc with bigger wins
But on the other hand also scared that due to greed might lose my 2nd k profits sighzzzz
Well do you think I'll have a good Repeat or Double Recovery experience later
If I were to go in later - still lots of untried slots at High Limit and elsewhere
Continuation to Sat 13 Sat or Part 2 of 2nd MBS Sep Visit FR :
Well - THIS is the type of Satisfying Fun Casino Visit with Profit that WE all want
For once - can earn 500% ROI in less than 4 hours - Beginners’ Luck at play over at High Limit Area ?
Actually remembering receiving SMS that High Limit Area renovation was completed before my June Birthday - now had I gone over there to play in June, might NOT have ended up with >10k losses over that B-Day Weekend extended visit [2 days’ levies] :(
I thought I had set my alarm to 3am but apparently not because I woke up by myself at around 4am {already Sat early AM}
Decided to wear what I was wearing instead of changing to what I’d brought with me
.... better not disturb what seems to be working there
- i.e. instead of my usual Lucky All-Black - also had on a Blue Top {also one of lucky colors} and also an unusually ‘large’ accessory to go with the top {I’m usually too lazy to put on accessories etc}
- also avoided tying up my hair and left that free for whole visit :p
- had very simple Muffin & Coffee Breakfast in room {and my medication :o } before setting out
Back at the casino before 5am .... ended up playing till 11.45 am for Room Check-Out
Didn’t dare continue after checking out tho’ still have to about 4pm before levy expired as had informed mom that I would be back for her Fried Rice & Soup lunch
As expected I lost the 2nd k profit - retaining only 3k out of the 5k profit [with original BR = 4k kept]
I didn’t make a faithful record of the slots played
But remembered touching the 722 5K, the COE, the CE 5D, .... not too good there
Migrating from High Limit to there and back to High Limit again
At High Limit Area, did note down playing 20c CC (00508)
Played 50 credits, with 1st $100 managed to get $418 !!!
Then spent a looong time at the DFDC
1st DFDC was the 3rd from right hand side counting from the end
Played mainly 176 credit or $8.80
Had a FG which paid $1,696 !!!!
Lady to my right said I was lucky as she had been playing there for a looong time and nothing ....
Spent a long time here - UPs & DOWNs etc
Had LOTS of Mini & Minor Wins [tho’ hoping for 1st or 2nd Win !!!]
Then 2nd DFDC was 2 places to the left of that 3rd-right-end one
Ended up losing my 2nd k of profit altogether
For DFDC - actually have to SWITCH slots after machine turns cold [but who will give up to you ???]
CAN’T Stay with same machine forever otherwise all profits & BR gone .....
I had tried my fav 10c CC at 03021 again at the end against the wall several times but NOT good timing many times
It was only much later - maybe after 9am (?) till before 12 noon that it started getting “Good” again altho’ NOT as Good as last night when it was VERY generous with both good features & FGs [each time I inserted a fresh note or tito - seems this would come fast]
I noticed since last night - IF I were to touch the choice/options for the different available games at that machine , that game [ie CC for me] would LOAD Again and I like to think that it kind os Reactivates the Slot - so that when note/tito is inserted, the features/FGs would come very fast within few spins [the lady playing next to me last night kept remarking that the machine was so good etc .... reason why even tho’ I wanted to stop and leave, I still couldn’t as it was still responsive etc]
At least TWICE on Sat I had good features that paid over 1k ... at one stage I was ALMOST back to pre-loss levels with just below 3k money !!!!!
But stubborn play {to see how far I could push things - I always like to test the slot to see whether it could repeat or multiply/grow the winnings etc} caused the DOWNs and at the end of Sat AM Play - only 2k retained [ie lost last night’s 1k + Sat’s fresh 1k = total 2k profit lost from the original Fri 5k profit]
After DFDC loss, I HAD to dip into my ‘retained 4k money = 1k original BR + 3k profits’ since the 2nd 1k profit/br was also lost during Sat morning play - very stressful for me as I wasn’t prepared to end up with any less retained profits
So my ‘original retained 4k’ is secured !
From 500% ROI to 300% ROI - still very good
I can’t remember whether during my initial Annual Levy Days, I had ever won 5k before
But I’ve been losing/going home negative (-ve) MORE than winning anyway
- so this 5k in recent history means a lot to me esp during these times of No-Job-Income for me
... how nice IF I could use this as a “reliable” method of raising capital for my intended business so that I need not have to resort to those other means of raising capital
Have hardly touched the many other slots at High Limit ... so plenty of room to explore

BUT must NOT step into the casino too frequently
else my BR can be easily wiped out ....
These days - less room to ‘manoeuvre’ to get funds for BR etc etc ....

What I do know :
Those so-called Lucky Dates & Lucky Hours - all tak pakeh !!!! :roll eyes: :o