OK - have checked with casino reservation staff
They confirm that the free or discounted MBS Rooms are meant for 2 pax
e.g. Grand Club Rooms normally cost 1k+ for 2 pax
- so if add 3rd & 4th Guests can only do so during check-in at the counter and pay the $175++ each
{there’s nothing they can do about getting that sum deducted to a more logical/reasonabe sum

Sighzzz .... No Choice but to pay since it’s going to be a pre-Birthday Hen Party (for 1 of them in the group) although with $350++ can have very good 9-Course Dinners etc or a few more nights of Discounted-Rate Rooms etc .....
I mean can’t very well have only 2 pax doing the Club SkyPark benefits leaving the rest to their own devices etc ?
As for whether as Diamond Members, whether we’ll still get 1-tier free upgrade [from our free or $99 discounted rate offer for Deluxe Room] - depends on availability during the checking-in etc.....
[I remember during the 1st Annual Levy Days, being given progressively higher-upgraded complimentary room stays BUT I was a stupid member then - NOT being made aware of the Club Lounge benefits that accompany Suite Stays {free Orchid Suite stay} and didn’t utilise these then sighzzz]
Ya - I also remembered being offered free upgrade to huge Hospitality Suite [but on low floors and not city view] or some other good upgrades last year during the free 4N per 2 half-month stretches - maybe I/my face looked much better or more appealing than now to the particularly nice Check-In Staff at the counter who obliged with my simple upgrade request possibility ?
This Tuesday afternoon I received my MBS Free Mooncake email {again large box as usual}
So plan to collect that at 1pm on Sat 6 Sep after checking out from my Fri 5 Sep Stayover {with Beatlemania Concert}
BTW - last Sunday after checking out, managed to renew/change my Diamond Card at the B2 Membership Counter {just outside Casino Entrance meant for SGporeans/PRs} near Beanstro - they simply gave me a new card without any Expiry Date now but verbally told me card valid to next April and I checked my balance Sands Dollars {which should be sufficient for ALL the coming MBS Stay payments {upgraded from 2N Complimentary with upgrade/discounted} - Club, Grand Club & Deluxe Rooms}
Hmmm .... wonder whether any more free concerts {English or Mandarin ones preferably} or Events to accompany my Friday 22, 29 August & 12,19 Sep MBS Stays {5 Sep already bought Beatlemania tickets - if got free tickets can collect and pass over to Beatle-mad friends too} ???
This coming stay on 22 Aug with the Hen Party - also means have good reason that I’ll be able to resist entering the casino ....
So that leaves 29 Aug and maybe only 12 & 19 Sep to entice me into the casino - hehehehe ......
Hmmm - do you think I’ll be able to stay strong and resist all urges/itchiness here ????
It’s just the scary thought that I may Go Crazy again and lose LOTS once again - once I go in ..... :o

Because somehow I’m NOT the sort who can stop with just a few hundred or 1-2k loss, "tak shiok - not enough fun yet somehow” - will be frustrated instead of having fun ??
Not sure - my companion was saying don’t mind paying levy just to accompany me and to ‘control or rein me in - should I lose control’ - do I want that as all along [except for very brief period once] I’ve been a Lone Ranger when I play my slots ..... do I want that at all {no more unrestricted freedom to play as I like } ???