The only table games I play are the poker types (3 card, CSP, texas). From what I know and observe and also what the supervisors say, the points is all computerised once we hand them our card and they swipe onto the machine. It is calculated based on the table minimum bet, followed by the amount of time you play. I also know they key in the amount we change, so that may also contribute to some points and I believe for those who bet way above the minimum, the sup may also key in that info but am not sure if that makes a diff. Most of the time the sup will say, the points is decided by the computer (I usually joke to them sometimes to key in extra points for us).
Anyway, table game points are very low and slow compared to slots. I used to play more tables in the past and it took me super long to get to the previous silver card (I usually play close to the minimum bet of $25) and also a few months before I got close to the previous gold card. This year, I started to shift away from tables to slots and within 2 months, I clocked the same amount of points it took me in 1 year when I played mostly tables.
I always put in my cards to earn the points because not only can use for makan and hotel, but can also convert to chips or slots play. Usually when my BR is almost gone, I will use the GD left in my card and a few times, it actually "saved" me and help me recoup a bit or extend my play for another 2-3 hours. For e.g. last weekend, I brought about $800 to play and was down to $5... I had about 15 GD left on my card which I used to play on 2c 5D... I hit the bonus in 3 spins, hit FH lions x 15... got back $240.

Of course not always will "save" me but there were times it made a huge difference.
Good luck to all those playing this weekend!
Thru this years of casino operating, many changes have made time to time, especially on membership, giving out more perk and attracting more patron to return
My time of casino visiting might not be the same as at today
That's why I never for once discussing on all those membership's matter, too much a changes
Of course there's many people who had gone thru the changes since day 1 until today, they will definitely know what's best for them while gaming in our 2 casino
What I have quoted might have outdated, but points system is always there, only different is whether they will give out generously or really stingy on that
Last time, I'm not really bother about upgrading my membership, I requested non mailing/sms/email or any other from of promotion from the casino, is just me lor, anyway, gambling especially a hardcore gambler like me got nothing to be proud of, the lower the profile, the better
My preference table game is roulette follow by bacarrat follow by stud poker, the rest mostly are transparent to me
I believe once you are a "regular" to that particular table game, knowing the same supervisor standing there all round the clock(seldom change, not sure about now), definitely will be an advantage to the points system, that's how I get my 10pts, without even placing a bet sometime, because they know me, I only want 10pts, I'm not a points goer
Haha, bro, until we confirm broke, drain out totally, any dollar also can make a recovery
My most memorable bet, just like you, but not $5, left last 2 $10 cash chip, BR gone, ATM max, walking aimlessly around the MBS (those suck years)
Than saw this roulette table was very crowded, notice most number was wage on except 4 and 33
Decided to place my last 2 $10 cash chip, 1 on 4 and 1 on 33
Bingo, came out 4, and got back $360 including the $10 chip
With this small recover of $360, I regain my soul, sit down and change to colour, from there, no turning back
When I left the casino, I still remember, $8k cash in hand and that feeling is just too shiok and unforgettable
There's thousand of time I left with few dollar, always will end up zero, that's the only time miracle recovering