Today's another not-too-bad day :
only minimal $70-80 losses for over 4.5 hrs play after the last 2 consecutive Bad Losing Days :o
Quite DISCIPLINED sticking to my "print-out slips once have reached about 2x or more $50 note 'game capital' with/from EACH $50 note as far as possible" - so quite easy to keep track of play/capital and "not go overboard" - STOP and switch machines after 'good run' ends - so even with losses can kinda 'average out' or maintain at Break Even levels
Yes - think far better to stick to manageable 'shorter' hours so won't lose control/focus
Oh and I had exciting thrilling fun too at the AirAsia GP Simulator ride
Being a non-driver and a non-games-arcade player etc, I crashed all over the place ... so embarrassing lah [but fun] - even a young boy could 'drive' so much better than me given their game experience :o :p
Played Sinbad-Money2Burn and BankBusters and PowerPlatinum PP
Did get 2 Minis and 1 $200++ Minor from BankBuster
Shouldn't have given up my PP slot to play the other PPs
Some lady plopped herself down at that slot and got $600 PowerSpin ... sighz

Hey I can't seem to find the only 5ct GiantPanda & Last Emperor slots at L1 despite checking hard all over L1 for them
Guess have to play those at smokey B1
Tomorrow Sat will check-in with my friend for my 1st complimentary hotel stay
She says she'll TRY not to go to the casino and will enjoy the room/pool/facilities as much as possible : doing her bubble baths etc etc etc

let's see now - how strong her will-power really is .........
cheesey :
the MBS/RWS Power Platinum slots are all 5cts slots
but I find that for staying power playing the minimum 30 credits is still OK altho if you play the higher credits [60, 90, etc] you'll get better higher levels with your free Power Switch/Spins of course
Think so much harder at RWS to get the slots you want to play
And I HATE the extreme smoke, the 'rotten/broken-low' seats, the CROWDs arrgghhh, small dinghy toilets, etc ....
But what do I know - have only been to RWS twice [over 2 weekends = $200 levy]
This will be a very packed weekend for me
Rushing off last-minute stuff on Sun ...
Must complete my packing by Mon night for my Europe trip
Half-day leave next Mon so as to avoid staying back late in office [it does happen on 'suay' Mondays ... ]
Might not have a casino where I'm headed to this time so I'll miss my slots after Sun [for 2 weeks]
[Tho' when I was in Interlaken in Switzerland there WAS a small casino - my friend dragged me away after my small win at a slot game there to go for our free drinks ...]
But will be seeing my beloved MBS slots the very next day after my return from Europe [for 2nd night stay] and planning to go back to work from there Mon PM [after lunch ...rearranging/replacing my usual last-few Wed PM Off]