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- Sep 15, 2008
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Oh dear .... hope ALL of us here get lucky and HUAT BIG BIG !!!
I think you are 'obsessed' with the QUICKHITS >40k JP ..... don't stress yourself play for fun & to win too of course
Can't say that the best time to play is during the weekend bc so crowded and hard to get THAT slot you really want to play etc .....
Must see how the management 'manipulate' the machines during the different timings here
The payout mood of the various slots is really UNPREDICTABLE....
I totally agree with you JJcc. I must get this obsession out of my mind. I even dream about hitting the 9 Quickhits JP!!! So the GREED is there and it leads to financial disaster..Lost $$$ very QUICKLY....:(:(:(...Better stop dreaming and face reality.The JP is now about $44K!!!! I hope one of us can strike and post the 9 Quickhits here...
Fast forward....went down to MBS after work today just to look see look see.And went to L1 roulette table where a big crowd had gathered over the $5 roulette table. The table was losing and many punters were rejoicing. I changed $300 into $5 cash chips and sat down near the wheel...my normal facing the cashier!!! and the dealer...I played cautiously at first and then slowly increased by bets..
I discovered that the wheel was rather "biased"...0 came out and I knew the biased sector was around the segemnt 0. Many punters were placing skyscrapers on Nos 32,26,35,15,12,3,4 and 0....And I followed...My first strike was No 3...then 0...then 26 ( repeated twice) ...then 32 ( repeated twice)...then 35 ( also came out twice )...and then 5 and then 15...and then 4...I continued to strike at every spin...and every time I struck, I changed some of the chips to cash...I continued to strike when the number 21 came out.This No 21 is a killer number..then followed by 31 and then 32 again...I continued to strike and my credits grew rapidly.....now more than $1600....
Then the dealer was changed. A lady came ...but all of us continued to stay and played the same numbers. The first number came was No 4! Struck again...then followed by 34!!! Struck again...then No 35!!!...and after a few spins, the girl was replaced by another young man...
I knew this guy is a ZERO spinner! So we all placed our bets at ZERO and we all shouted ZERO!!!! The number that came out was No 26!!!!!!!!Many of us struck again!!! By now my credits grew to $2300...and I was about to RUN!!! The strikes were too good. One winner cashed out and tipped the dealer.He was the biggest winner!!!
Then the numbers started to change! No 30 came out...almost a clean sweep!!!Everybody mourned!!! N0 21 came next...Everybody sighed!!! Then No 14...some gave up by now. I knew the biased wheel has become random..I still hold to my chips - now about $1400...and was ready to run.Also time for dinner. I placed my last bat on a few numbers around 0...the number that swallowed all of us was 13!!!! I cashed out and left...a modest gain....$600...
I went to the loo and returned just to see what was going on. The uncle who was winning was playing one to one.He was peppering all over the table and he was losing with no more strikes. I saw the Numbers that came out..No 1..No 7..No 17...number 31...29...all out of the 0 sector...and I feel sorry for the lone uncle who must have lost a fortune.He was playing one to one and I knew playing one to one in a roulette table is suicidal...
I left richer by the experience..but was happier because I was able to run when the wheel has changed and the tide was turned against me....
Thanks to Bro Silverfox's DISCIPLINE, DISCIPLINE, DISCIPLINE...and I finally realise that in the long run, the casino will eat all your winnings and gains. So even if you are up a few hundreds, it's better to walk out a winner than a painful loser:(:(:(:(
Thank you to all brothers and sis who helped to encourage DISCIPLINE