Luck somehow was not with me for this 2nd Virgo Cruise this July month :o :(
On Fri night just within an hour, used up the free $200 slot credit as well as my br [my balance profits from last cruise of 2k] with awful lack-lustre lousy feature games

No choice but to do Credit Card WDs at 2% service charge at Cashier
Did total of 3 WDs (2 on Fri and last 3rd one on Sun AM for very-last-minute play :o)
My own fault for wanting to continue with my Slot Play
After the 1st 2 CC WDs - at about 8am Sat AM, FINALLY did manage to do a somewhat Good Recovery of $2330 at a central FFF 5cts 5D along the wall aisle [ie just $400 short of my 1st 2 total CC WD sum of $2.7k - had to stop as 'exhausted' and went off to bed after a quick breakfast
Woke up when arrived at Redang
Went ashore but returned to ship before 4pm as the weather was just too HOT & Humid

ITCHY Me of course HAD to continue with my Slots instead of "preserving" my badly earned-back $2330 (from my Fri 2 CC WDs)
Stopped to listen to some lounge singing from Martha Joy and also paid my cruise bills in advance (to beat the crowds later)
OF COURSE we know what happens next :o

SIGHZZZZ ...... went to bed pretty 'early for me' after 3am and only woke up after 9.30 am on Sun
After collecting passport and breakfast, did my 3rd/last CC WD of just $800 - for LAST-MINUTE play before casino closed at 10 am on arrival at Singapore before noon
Altho' there were some features etc - these were just "Too Small" to count as anything ..... :o

END TALLY LOSS : BR 2k + 3 CC WDs [lost 3.2k - retained about $300] = $5.2k region
EARNED 200++ SPs and fresh 2 Cruise Vouchers for discount towards next cruise and seaport tax (valid 60 days from 27/7/12) and Eric Moo Oct Concert Voucher (free ticket but must call to redeem etc)
SO - my Beginners' Luck was VERY shortlived !!!

But kinda 'expected' somehow ...
Given FREE Cruise - end up Not Free 'afterall' - became VERY Expensive Cruise this time round hahaha :(
BTW - my balcony cabin on Deck 9 (aft) was the same tiny size as the previous one altho looked so much better with new brighter carpet etc
2 twin beds together with a large sofa-bed for anor 2 passengers ?
Somehow have yet to be given a 'larger' Balcony Cabin that looks like those in their photos/ads
Looked as if I was the only solo passenger on that cruise