Thanks Kia for the table - understand so much better with it
- but still got 1N Cruise on 6/7 and 7/7 from email reply
[Membership Svcs : We still have 1-Night cruises on 06 & 07 July 2012, both are low period; for further information on the cabin point redemption rates and cabin availability, please call our Membership Hotline at (65) 6220-7801 and any of our staff would be glad to assist you.]
BUT - still get contradicting replies from the Membership Service staff - see below extracts concerning the 80 point Balcony Cabin redemption

:( :
[Membership Svcs : For 20 July 2012 – SuperStar Virgo, it is a 2-Night cruise to nowhere and Balcony cabins require 185 points for 3 passengers.
1st passenger = 80 points
2nd passenger = 80 points ????
3rd passenger = 25 points
Total : 185 points
HUH - not total 80 points for 2 pax or 105 points for 3 pax ???
Like that - might have to think thrice OR book 'cheaper cabin' since only have over 200 GPs at the moment
*Bookings under Membership Cabin Point Redemption, the mode of payment is only via points.
*Seaport tax applies per passenger. For 2-Night cruises, it costs SGD 78 per passenger which can be paid either cash/credit card or via points.
*20 July 2012 check-in time : 1600H – 1830H
For reservation assistance and to check cabin availability as it varies at the time of booking, please directly call our Membership Hotline at (65) 6220-7801 and any of our staff would be glad to assist you.]
[Membership Svcs :
2-Night CNW date for the Month of August 2012
· 03 August 2012 – Friday (Low Season)
· 17 August 2012 – Friday (Low Season)
· 31 August 2012 – Friday (Low Season)
2-Night CNW date for the Month of September 2012
· 14 September 2012 – Friday (Low Season)
For further assistance, please call our Membership Hotline at (65) 6220-7801 and please note that all cabins are still subject to availability and on first come, first served basis.]
Alright - can anyone pls help confirm on the exact Computation for Cabin Redemption
What's stated in the table applies to One Cabin for minimum 2 pax ???
Coffeeme - I read your post that you went alone and they even REFUNDED YOU 15 POINTS for the 30-POINT Cabin
I don't want to 'waste' my precious limited RWS Points
So need to 'strategise' properly here :o