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Sinkies in shock over chemicals in McSpicy patty ingredient list


all junk food leads to black rock. And if you know who owns it, you shouldn't even be surprised. The drive to make yu eat bugs started a long time ago, with food such as this. A McConspiracy. Go find out what other junk food the rock owns


Does HSA or SFA do random testing on imported food or jus stir local prepared food like jianbo chwee kueh & lenient on foreign coys?


While familiar components like chicken meat, water, and salt made an appearance, other ingredients such as “capsicum oleoresin”, “humectants”, and “black pepper oleoresin” apparently concerned the user, who warned: “Be careful of what you put inside your body.”
but if you say if you dun put these in your body, you cannot go to malls and restaurants, cannot travel or have a job, you will sure dumbfucks will put it in their body.