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Sinkies in shock over chemicals in McSpicy patty ingredient list

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)

Netizen warns against unknown ingredients in McSpicy patty, others say it’s called ‘junk food’ for a reason​

Many Facebook users said fast food like McSpicy is not meant to be healthy.
By Dhanya Vimalan - 24 Jun 2024, 4:19 pm

Facebook user shares unknown ingredients used in McSpicy chicken patty​

A Facebook user recently stirred up a spicy debate after sharing a snapshot of a McSpicy chicken patty ingredient list.

The post, which appeared on the Complaint Singapore page on Monday (24 June), showed a McSpicy cardboard box discarded outside a McDonald’s outlet, revealing some supposedly eyebrow-raising ingredients.

mcspicy ingredients

Source: Facebook
While familiar components like chicken meat, water, and salt made an appearance, other ingredients such as “capsicum oleoresin”, “humectants”, and “black pepper oleoresin” apparently concerned the user, who warned: “Be careful of what you put inside your body.”

mcspicy ingredients

Source: Facebook

They highlighted that the average person might not recognize 80% of these ingredients unless they were a “food scientist”.

Others say ingredients normal for ‘junk food’​

After viewing the post, many Facebook users argued that the McSpicy is considered “junk food” for a reason.

mcspicy ingredients

Source: Facebook
Others highlighted the potential health risks associated with consuming fast food regularly, emphasising the need for moderation.


Source: Facebook

Overall, many commenters noted the near-impossibility of expecting pure organic ingredients in fast food items, urging consumers to be realistic about their choices.


Source: Facebook

And for those curious, capsicum oleoresin is an extract from chilli peppers, while black pepper oleoresin is a concentrated essence of black pepper.

Humectants retain moisture to keep food fresh, while emulsifiers help mix ingredients that typically don’t combine well.

As for egg albumin, it is simply the protein component of egg whites. So, these ingredients aren’t that strange after all.
  • Haha
Reactions: cat


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wait till that snowflake finds out what's inside instant noodles. Oh, and especially the Tiong ones sold at Scarlett. :wink:

The ingredients of those are all in Chinese, you need a proficient translator to put everything into English. :cool:



Wait till that snowflake finds out what's inside instant noodles. Oh, and especially the Tiong ones sold at Scarlett. :wink:

The ingredients of those are all in Chinese, you need a proficient translator to put everything into English. :cool:

Kangshifu i always eat. Its a taiwan brand. Until they shifted factories to china years ago. Then it an auto ban