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Serious Sinkies and SiamKias Highest Suicide Rates in Southeast Asia!



Thailand may be called the “Land of Smiles” but a recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that this may be far from the truth. According to the study, Thailand leads ASEAN for number of suicides.

The WHO has ranked Thailand 32nd in its annual suicide rate report, with a 14.4-suicide ratio for every 100,000 population, or equivalent to 10,000 deaths by suicide per year. This was followed by Singapore, ranked 67th with a ratio of 11.2, and Lao in 84th spot with a ratio of 8.6. Myanmar, on the other hand, was ranked 94th with a ratio of 7.8, while Vietnam was ranked 101st with a ratio of 7.3. Malaysia was in 123rd spot with a ratio of 5.5, Cambodia at 127th with a ratio of 5.3, and Indonesia was 158th with a 3.4 rate. The Philippines, meanwhile, has the lowest suicide ratio of 3.2, and is ranked 163rd, while Brunei was not on the list.