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Chitchat Sinkie tells Mudlaysian jiuhu kia to fuck off on the mrt!


Oh come one...there's no need for such situations.

Singapore no doubt is a small little red dot on the map, but it does provides MUCH for everyone, from our democratic Rule of Law system to high rise even HDB buildings to accommodate every one whom seeks an honest living, to learn & contribute to our Singapore Civilization. There is much to share for all.

While the rest of Humanity had evolved, so too must we. It is comprehensible that Singaporeans of 1.0 would face challenges with a changing World, many more citizens had evolved to Singaporean 2.0 thru better education & opportunities.

Those 1.0 had NOT been left behind, as upgrading of skills to be of relevance to a changing World had been....often seemingly painful to taxpayers to fund such social expenditure, but still...is available to all citizens no matter the age or even circumstances....to consider OTHER options even if one's educational path but success in life LAYS upon different paths, such as lawyers becoming hawkers, or ex-convicts whom put their heart & soul to earn an honest living to uplift loved ones life by further academic studies or becoming entrepreneurs serving CRITICAL market needs, as proven over years in Singapore...

Regardless of race or religion, each who comes here WILL contribute to our National growth, social expenditures & progress.

The only MAJOR concern is to ensure that our sacred National Pledge is upheld always - regardless of race, language & religion, to provide opportunities to ALL citizens, & not those whose concerns are racists or detrimental & against our National oaths taken since our formative years.....

...as well as would be employees be aware that biz enterprises are NOT charity orgs, but will only select the best, as per Singapore MOM laws & requirements, when tightened, in the highly competitive free market, to grow their companies, regardless of race or religion, in order to survive, be sustainable to provide gainful employment to all.
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