agree... Life is fragile...
I see too many young life sacrifice just cus of NS.?
Seriously I wonder we really need to train so hard for that ?
So many young life had sacrificed but they didn’t do anything.
agree... Life is fragile...
In my 2.5 years full time and 13 years reservist NS service, I have encountered a total of 6 deaths. Two in Sinkyland and Four in ROC Starlight. In those days, unlike now when there is social media, all these are quietly "buried" by the PAP.I see too many young life sacrifice just cus of NS.?
Seriously I wonder we really need to train so hard for that ?
So many young life had sacrificed but they didn’t do anything.
In my 2.5 years full time and 13 years reservist NS service, I have encountered a total of 6 deaths. Two in Sinkyland and Four in ROC Starlight. In those days, unlike now when there is social media, all these are quietly "buried" by the PAP.
By now at this age and see Sinkie men who has done their bit for this cuntry get displaced by PAP favourite FTs in the job market, I start to wonder who the fuck we are protecting. Fucking PAP political elites deserve to be fuck deep deep.Very sad indeed.....
Shame on pap...
Welcum back!RIP. I've known many guys who died during full-time NS or reservist whom most never read about on the newspapers (or the news took up merely a small column or paragraph tucked away in the corner). Many of them died in a far more horrible way.
Because this guy was a mini 'celebrity' rather than some local peasant's son, his death has magically transformed into a 'national tragedy'. It's still a tragedy nonetheless, but the hypocrisy is clear for all to see.
.Serious. Your thread title is not appropriate
Even that time he was seriously injured, but could you Have little empathy and sympathy.
First reaction just think of people up lorry or not.
Really no empathy and sympathy.
Now he passed away ? So you happy ?