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Sinki need to realise FT are Really Good for u


Mr Song Seng Wun, an economic advisor at financial service provider CGS International, said that it is also worth noting that any cut in foreign talent would cause a “multiplier” effect too, as each worker is not only a producer in their own industry but also a consumer.

“Without the extra mouths that come and live and work here in Singapore, namely the foreigners, who are you opening your restaurants to? Who are you renting your houses to?” he said.

He pointed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a real-life illustration of such an impact, where many foreign workers left the country due to border restrictions and many businesses came to a standstill.



It is correct to say that economics theory without assumptions is a contrary…so you are assuming that these FTs will eat out ?


Mr Song Seng Wun, an economic advisor at financial service provider CGS International, said that it is also worth noting that any cut in foreign talent would cause a “multiplier” effect too, as each worker is not only a producer in their own industry but also a consumer.

“Without the extra mouths that come and live and work here in Singapore, namely the foreigners, who are you opening your restaurants to? Who are you renting your houses to?” he said.

He pointed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a real-life illustration of such an impact, where many foreign workers left the country due to border restrictions and many businesses came to a standstill.

The correct word to use is



Time to blackmail some Saw Hei Again:smile:

Malaysia’s push for data centres could strain power and water supplies, warn experts​


Malaysia has in recent years seen a surge in investment in data centres, with RM76 billion (S$21.8 billion) invested in data centres from January 2021 to March 2023. PHOTO: AFP

Zunaira Saieed
Malaysia Correspondent

JUN 09, 2024, 09:52 PM


KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysia’s drive to attract data centre investments worth billions of dollars could strain its water and electricity supplies in the coming years, say experts, particularly in industrialised states like Selangor and Johor.

Potential electricity demand from data centres is expected to hit over 5,000 megawatts by 2035, estimates national electricity company Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). Data centre capacity is measured by the megawatts (MW) of electricity they consume.

Interest in new data centres, however, is far higher, with TNB having received applications for supply exceeding 11,000MW, according to a recent Affin Hwang Capital research report. This represents just over 40 per cent of Peninsular Malaysia’s existing installed power-generation capacity of about 27,000MW.