Many of us have lived in Malaysia one time or the other as tourists, as guest or even alone. If one apply commonsense, in which most SINKESS doesn't possess, the chances of getting raped, robbed or murder is still much lower than here.
Most likely you will get raped, robbed & murdered , the moment you cross over to Malaysia...
We cannot compare, what they get in Malaysia with what we get in SINkingpore with regards to watching world cup 2010, but what we are grumbling about is, we never get the best deal as consumers, we are always being suckered & always having to pay AFFORDABLE rates; for we do not have real competition.
Whereas, in Malaysia, corrupted as they are....competition dictates the market place, the consumers benefits. In SINkingpore, the oligopolists, the monopolists control the pricing, for we have a government that encourages that; and all is AFFORDABLE.