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- Nov 19, 2008
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I ever kena this incident at Borders. The old woman in front of me at the cashier was not purchasing anything. She just wanted to ask some questions. Cashier 1 cannot answer and asked Cashier 2 for help. Both numbnuts attended to her while I stood behind like a dummy. If both cashiers cannot answer the question, why not ask the woman to stand one side while they page for the store manager to assist?
I agree that some local retails staff sucks. I had some experience once when I approach sales staff while he was busy attending some customer with electronic setting.
All he have to do is, answer me just tell me to wait for awhile, sure I will understand.
One thing I realized that some local service staff cannot handle multi-tasking job even the job didnt take too much effort.
As for FT, some are equally bad attitude because they always think that they are protected by employer even if customer complaint about them.
Local need reasonable salary but unfortunately, local bosses only think of themselves.
While FT dont mind low salary because when they convert singdollar to their currency, these FT still earn luxury income.
Singaporean still lose no matter what.
Afterall, indirectly govt is spending the budget for FT, not singaporean.
Keep continue to vote LKY and his PAP platoon and let them screw singaporean for life.