The people may not vote rationally. Since when have they voted rationally?
on the surface it looks like the econ is good n healthy, $ is rolling, but factually, its quite stagnant when we're just shifting $ from the left pocket to the right pocket, n later from the right pocket to the back pocket, n then later to the breast pocket, n eventually back to the left pocket.
Singapore has no future.
quite frankly, whoever comes next to take the seat is going to have a splitting headache. as is, if we dont already know/notice, the current run of the mill is basically, digging 1 hole to patch up another. on the surface it looks like the econ is good n healthy, $ is rolling, but factually, its quite stagnant when we're just shifting $ from the left pocket to the right pocket, n later from the right pocket to the back pocket, n then later to the breast pocket, n eventually back to the left pocket.
nt to mention, from time to time, the $ goes out in red packets to be parked elsewhere, in hope that there's going to be any dividends. when there's dividends, they pop the champagne, when the $ is lost, all is quiet n pretend the $ was never there.
n while the $ is spinning in its own confined cycle, time is wasted, without ever having enough to fulfil the rising needs vs the growing population in this already saturated island. hence creating more avenues to enforce expenditure, so to make the GDP look good. all the hype n hoohaa of a prettier city, infrastructures to lure investors to park their $ here hasnt really reached its full effect.
quite frankly, whoever comes next to take the seat is going to have a splitting headache. as is, if we dont already know/notice, the current run of the mill is basically, digging 1 hole to patch up another. on the surface it looks like the econ is good n healthy, $ is rolling, but factually, its quite stagnant when we're just shifting $ from the left pocket to the right pocket, n later from the right pocket to the back pocket, n then later to the breast pocket, n eventually back to the left pocket.
nt to mention, from time to time, the $ goes out in red packets to be parked elsewhere, in hope that there's going to be any dividends. when there's dividends, they pop the champagne, when the $ is lost, all is quiet n pretend the $ was never there.
My opinion is that none of those you mentioned are capable of leading singapore, at this point of their development. For that reason, even though some of them feel that they are capable of overthrowing the ruling party and running singapore, they need to do a reality check with the voters to see if that is really what the voters want.
Take SDP for example. They often talked of civil disobedience.
One question they need to answer for themselves at least, is to which class of voters they are appealing to?
The political spectrum is a bell curve, with perhaps 80% of the voters clustered in the moderate zone. That is why political parties seek to operate in the middle and make coalitions with those who operate at either extremes.
Thus the question is: with SDP operating at an extreme end, how can they reach out to the moderate voters?
And do they know the composition of voters? The newly-minted migrants will be pro-PAP, a very safe bet. Thus the number of votes for the PAP is likely to increase. Especially as some of the people (i do not know if they are opposition but very unlikely to be PAP) called them ah nehs and prc whatever. And they will vote for them?!
And why should there be a revolution? The PAP is doing an adequate job at the moment. Sure there are boo-boos but match against these are the Opposition's paranoia about PAP spies and inability to work together. And incompatible platforms, incoherent policies. And talks about revolution. And assumed premise that the opposition must oppose. A discerning voter may, nay, will think very hard about the situation.
Thus Singapore's future is hopefully not based on revolution but making better what is already a good situation.
My two cents.
The opposition is in a sorry state because they lack a vision or policy that is uniquely different from that of the PAP! eg; Education, Health, Public/private Transportation, CPF, NS conscription, dual citizenship etc.
if there is a revolution in singapore who will come into power? Cs? Ltk? Cst? Sebastian teo? Jbj?
sometimes, i think voters assume putting a cross on the undesired logo = striking them off... without realising that its factually voting in favor of the partyThe people may not vote rationally. Since when have they voted rationally?
the only island we can mimic... alcatrezdavai davai!
the lack of natural resources had always been a huge stumbling block, and our homeland products are more often a time mere cheaper replicas reverse-engineered from some other technologies.
no doubt we had some brilliant and somewhat innovative ideas along the way, the patents ain't exactly bringing in the dough much as we've expected, as others could also come up with cheaper and better alternatives.
we can't really aim to be the next Phuket or Bali or even Hawaii. we can't really aim to be the next Paris or Tokyo or even St. Petersburg. we will just be Singapore!where our folks will be synonymous with compassion and grace...
i think i'm still dreaming :p
there've been many news n media coverage about our ministers going out in full force, visiting n building networks w middle eastern countries... talks about collaborations n stuff. there was also some ground breaking ceremony.... bt to date... no more news of those developments.It means the sinkie govt is incapable to attracting new investment so they got to resort to these cheapen tricks to sustain the economy. They should ask themselves why investments are not coming in.
With no intent to offend, I want to say I cannot disagree more with that statement.
For me, I would say that the opposition is in such a sorry state because they assume that whatever they say, the voters will agree with them.
If they lose, it is because the voters are afraid of the PAP.
Thus they are absolved of all blame. The fault lies with the chicken-hearted voters and the PAP.
Then in looking for solutions, they felt they must reinvent the wheel and say impressive things so that the voters will say - these are men of creditability.
Thus the opposition lost for 40 years and in my view, will continue to spend their days in the wilderness until they truly understand the voters: their universal and unifying need, their fears and greed which obstruct them, their opinions of the political parties and their idea of a representative government.
In this, the political parties need to do a gentle education process to tell the voters what the opposition means, what it can do and what it cannot do. And how the things they can do will benefit them greatly and immensely, ensuring their prosperity, dignity and ability to live comfortably in the years to come. Without them, they cannot have these. With them, they can. The PAP sells this message very well. The opposition doesn't.
... the only island we can mimic ...
How can the opposition parties in S'pore educate the voters when they themselves are totally clueless as to what is the function and purpose of an opposition, that is to eventually take over as govt and steer the country in a different direction?
What is the point of voting in an opposition if they are going to do exactly the same thing as what the PAP has been doing all this while?
The opposition has failed miserably in offering any concrete alternative policies that are markedly different to what the PAP has been offering with regards to security in old age, a complete well rounded educational system(eg social graces, culture, sports etc), quality of life (that goes beyond material needs), NS policy, healthcare concerns etc which are all directly responsible for a loss of confidence evident from the ever growing numbers of disillusioned S'poreans emigrating and even renouncing their citizenship.
Once upon a time, an inventor discovered the perfect mousetrap. The customers applauded.
Since then every other inventor felt that the only way to get the customers to applaud is to present alternative and better mousetraps. They describe their technology in great detail, their advantages and point out why the others are inferior.
Their minds are so caught up in this that they failed to see that what the customers really wanted is a land free of mice.
How can the opposition parties in S'pore educate the voters when they themselves are totally clueless as to what is the function and purpose of an opposition, that is to eventually take over as govt and steer the country in a different direction?
What is the point of voting in an opposition if they are going to do exactly the same thing as what the PAP has been doing all this while?
The opposition has failed miserably in offering any concrete alternative policies that are markedly different to what the PAP has been offering with regards to security in old age, a complete well rounded educational system(eg social graces, culture, sports etc), quality of life (that goes beyond material needs), NS policy, healthcare concerns etc which are all directly responsible for a loss of confidence evident from the ever growing numbers of disillusioned S'poreans emigrating and even renouncing their citizenship.
If the current crop of opposition(, and I mean current, not future), more people will migrate rather than the numbers we see.The only message the PAP is selling is: without them, S'pore is finished (KAPUT) and the rest of the KIASU S'porean voters buy into that including the opposition parties who still fight elections on the by-election effect.
S'pore emigrants have instead taken upon themselves to choose the life and policies that are suited to them in those host countries they have pre-selected to emigrate to and build their future generations from there.
Once upon a time, an inventor discovered the perfect mousetrap. The customers applauded.
Since then every other inventor felt that the only way to get the customers to applaud is to present alternative and better mousetraps. They describe their technology in great detail, their advantages and point out why the others are inferior.
Their minds are so caught up in this that they failed to see that what the customers really wanted is a land free of mice.