"The Government will only consider premium recovery measures if sustained outreach to the individual has been wilfully ignored over a significant period of time. One of these measures is the imposition of travel restrictions out of Singapore for wilful defaulters. Such a restriction may be imposed on wilful defaulters as a last resort. If an individual who has been imposed with travel restriction tries to violate such restrictions and flee, he can be arrested."
"Non-payment of premiums in itself is not an offence that will lead to imprisonment"
Yup....no one will be arrested.....you try to flee & don't pay....YOU WILL BE ARRESTED....can they say, you flee to Australia for 20 years to avoid paying the fees....ha ha ha ok! lah!....5 months , since the payment only started on Jan 2016...
Just throw the stinktothecore citizenship is you can.....
Thanks to the PAP, Singapore will now lose a citizen while Australia will now gain a new one - one with tertiary qualifications and running a clinic with her husband, giving employment to Aussies ....
Thanks to the PAP, Singapore will now lose a citizen while Australia will now gain a new one - one with tertiary qualifications and running a clinic with her husband, giving employment to Aussies ....
Its automatic deduction. If no money in Medisave, no coverage in Medishield Life. They will keep ending letters. You can go in and out of Singapore freely. To stop you leaving they must go thru the process similar to bankrupts.
I beg to differ. Singapore has already lost your sister as a citizen by simple virtue she does not live in singapore. Just because she retains a sinkie passport means nothing. She contributes to the aussie economy by buying goods and services there, and she funds the aussie govt by paying taxes. In other words, she has done nothing for singapore. Tell your sister to stop being a typical sinkie kiasu bitch. U cannot be married to 2 spouses just like you cannot be the citizen of 2 countries. Pledge your loyalty to one, don't be 2 timer slut.
Agree papsmearer. If she feels that singapore citizenship is worth that couple of hundred bucks, so be it.
There is no free lunch lah. Otherwise you would have other gov'ts doing the same. When you allow foreigners in you also bring in "problems"
Ah Loon is probably too stupid to realise this but foreigners bring along other baggage with them e.g. racial discrimination, terrorism, resistance against the authorities, crime, ... etc We have already seen riots in little india, illegal strikes by PRC chinese, murders committed by foreigners, traffic accidents by careless foreigners, beggars, prostitutes, ...etc
The authorities are probably hiding many problems. You will notice that when the official media reports a crime they will hide the background of the culprits if foreigners are involved![]()
I thought they took it out of your CPF when the money in the Medisave account runs out for the Medishield payments?
There is no free lunch lah. Otherwise you would have other gov'ts doing the same. When you allow foreigners in you also bring in "problems"
Ah Loon is probably too stupid to realise this but foreigners bring along other baggage with them e.g. racial discrimination, terrorism, resistance against the authorities, crime, ... etc We have already seen riots in little india, illegal strikes by PRC chinese, murders committed by foreigners, traffic accidents by careless foreigners, beggars, prostitutes, ...etc
The authorities are probably hiding many problems. You will notice that when the official media reports a crime they will hide the background of the culprits if foreigners are involved![]()
Yeah I am giving up mine too for the same reason. I already have 3 passports so I don't need the 4th.
yeah sure.....
And Singaporeans still think that dual citizenship is a crime.
1.When did you leave Singapore to take up residence in a foreign country? ___________________________________
2.When was your last trip to Singapore and on what type of passport? _______________________________________
3.Have you been granted citizenship of another country? *Yes / No
(i) If Yes, state the country: ________________________________________________
(ii) If No, on what basis are you permitted to remain in the country where you are residing? ________________________
My Singapore passport expired a long time ago though and it would be interesting to find out what would happen if I applied for renewal and listed all my current passports in the application as I am supposed to do.
If you had problems when living as a Sinkie, your problems wont be solved when you move to other countries. One must be willing to change to solve their problems, shifting to another country solves nothing actually. Reservist? spend a few hundred to downgrade permanently, solved. Even amos yee can do it. Fed up with high-stress, high-pressure lifestyle in SG? Can you get use to the slower pace elsewhere? Work-life balance in other countries mean for everyone, shops close early, either you go to casinoes or stay at home watch netflix with family, no such thing as night-operating shopping centres and theme parks.
On the other hand, if you are one who enjoys outdoor life, swimming, hiking jogging, likes seas activites, then you are definitely better-served elsewhere and not SG. If you recount the last six weekends, you have been spending time at shopping centers from day to night and not a single day at the beach or cycling and totally zero outdoor sports, then please do not kid yourself into moving to OZ or Kiwiland.
When you give up citizenship, sg govt will tax all your assets before allowing you to leave.
If you had problems when living as a Sinkie, your problems wont be solved when you move to other countries. One must be willing to change to solve their problems, shifting to another country solves nothing actually. Reservist? spend a few hundred to downgrade permanently, solved. Even amos yee can do it. Fed up with high-stress, high-pressure lifestyle in SG? Can you get use to the slower pace elsewhere? Work-life balance in other countries mean for everyone, shops close early, either you go to casinoes or stay at home watch netflix with family, no such thing as night-operating shopping centres and theme parks.
On the other hand, if you are one who enjoys outdoor life, swimming, hiking jogging, likes seas activites, then you are definitely better-served elsewhere and not SG. If you recount the last six weekends, you have been spending time at shopping centers from day to night and not a single day at the beach or cycling and totally zero outdoor sports, then please do not kid yourself into moving to OZ or Kiwiland.
In places like Canada you have a choice whether to work in a high pressure environment. Your boss can't pressure you to work long hours because you can complain to HR & because there are laws in place HR has to take complains seriously. Over there the boss can't even tell you to do something that is outside of the scope of your job
If he wants you to do something extra, he can only request & it's up to you to decide whether or not to do it. This is why better relations exist between the boss & underlings because bosses understand that they need the goodwill & cooperation in the office to get things done![]()