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Singapore warns Russia "Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity 'must be respected!"


Putin has checkmate NATO and USA.

They don't dare to fight Russia militarily and there is absolutely nothing the west can do other than symbolic sanctions that doesn't hurt Russia or hurt themselves more if Russia retaliates.


Putin is the good guy, the belligerent party is NATO and the Soros-backed Ukraine regime.

Sinkieland, being a bitch of the WEF globalists and the Davos cabal, naturally has to be vocal about its allegiance in this matter. :cool:



While we're on the subject of territorial integrity, when is SG going to dismantle the reclaimed lands that encroached on Malaysian waters in tuas?

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
absolutely nothing the west can do other than symbolic sanctions that doesn't hurt Russia or hurt themselves more if Russia retaliates.
The sanctions may be significant for the US economy. They told Germany to stop using the Nord stream 2 gas supply and the Germans will have to buy energy from US instead.

More importantly a full blown Russia-ukraine war will depress the Euro and strengthen the USD. European investments will also move to US ..

Not to mention new contracts for the military industrial complex and more American influence over NATO.. USA needs a European war to save their economy.


Should look into the context of the whole affair that leads to the current sad state of affair. It surprising PAP can cherry pick argument just to please their western master.

1. Overthrowing the democratic elected gov of Ukraine in 2014 through colour revolution.
2.ethnic oppression whereby ethnic Russian are prohibited to speak their mother tongue.
3 breach of Minsk Agreement by Ukraine authority
If its the Ukrainian suppressing the Russkies within the Ukraine.. it's Ukrainian rights. Do not forget all other minorities were oppressed by the Russian Empire n the Soviets. So it's payback time.

These Russkies in Ukraine were there because they went there while the Ukrainians were uprooted to other places n only around to return in yhe 80s. The Soviets resettled Russkies into Ukraine. If the Russkies were not happy. They should have repatriated back to Russkie land in 91. Many former Soviet states have looked west for economic opportunities. Should the Russkies not happy. Why don't they offer economic opportunities to the Ukrainians? Oh they can't bcos their economy is shit.

So before the Russkies complain about this n that. Why don't they look at the atrocities they themselves committed. N considering how demilitarisation The are..I doubt they have the capability to attack the Russkies even if they wanted to.


The sanctions may be significant for the US economy. They told Germany to stop using the Nord stream 2 gas supply and the Germans will have to buy energy from US instead.

More importantly a full blown Russia-ukraine war will depress the Euro and strengthen the USD. European investments will also move to US ..

Not to mention new contracts for the military industrial complex and more American influence over NATO.. USA needs a European war to save their economy.
If there is a full blown war n it drags out...the Russkies will b fucked. Can they afford the war? Ukrainian nationalism is on the rise, n they won't surrender that easily. Ukraine will be the Russkies Afghanistan


Alfrescian (Inf)
Now you know why the covid numbers are so high-these fellas are wasting time playing international busy body (eg last week the dowager preach to Hongkies) whilst the situation at home spiral out of control


Malaysia is free to reclaim land all the way to Tuas. :rolleyes:
Obviously SG is playing for time awaiting the day another fully corrupt team takes over Putrajaya again so they can cut a deal under the table.

That will also give time for public to get amnesia.


The sanctions may be significant for the US economy. They told Germany to stop using the Nord stream 2 gas supply and the Germans will have to buy energy from US instead.

More importantly a full blown Russia-ukraine war will depress the Euro and strengthen the USD. European investments will also move to US ..

Not to mention new contracts for the military industrial complex and more American influence over NATO.. USA needs a European war to save their economy.
The only thing the West can hurt Russia is sanction their oil and gas but that means Europe would need to import gas from more expensive USA supply. Russia can always sell their excess supply to China.

Europe has more to lose than Russia. Couldn't believe how dumb the European leaderships can be to sell their interests for the benefit of USA.


Should have asked our new 1-star Chief of Army to make that statement. Putin would be shitting in his pants ! :eek: :eek:

He will photocopy 1 million copies of his Stanford University qualifications and mount them on our squadron of F-16 and drop them in the heart of Mockba.


Putin have China military strategists like 诸葛亮 and 孙子兵法三十六计 war planners to help him contain US.

Ukraine is just the Chinese Chess seeds and the real players are US/NATO vs Rus/Chn....

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
The only thing the West can hurt Russia is sanction their oil and gas but that means Europe would need to import gas from more expensive USA supply. Russia can always sell their excess supply to China.

Europe has more to lose than Russia. Couldn't believe how dumb the European leaderships can be to sell their interests for the benefit of USA.
The other sanction US/EU have would be excluding RU from Swift. But I don't think it's gonna cause much pain


The sanctions may be significant for the US economy. They told Germany to stop using the Nord stream 2 gas supply and the Germans will have to buy energy from US instead.

More importantly a full blown Russia-ukraine war will depress the Euro and strengthen the USD. European investments will also move to US ..

Not to mention new contracts for the military industrial complex and more American influence over NATO.. USA needs a European war to save their economy.

Gas things are contract agreement signed for donkey years.... won't be affected by war... war will happen if Ukraine burst the pipeline...

Ukraine is under Russia instructions to kpkb instigate war to deter US keep annoying China over Taiwan issue.

Nothing will happen it is their Chinese Chess game move to tu chi, blocked seeds move, stalemate....

This Christian old fart Potus need to consult his church pastors to kill Ukraine Christians.... forbidden in the Bible...