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[Singapore] - SMRT staff suspended after video showed him violently shoving skateboarder at Esplanade MRT

syed putra

Those dumbass skateboarders ought to be taught a lesson. Everyday wasting their time and life away. Dreaming of taking part in the next Olympics Skateboarding event is it?
No skateboarding parks. Build some if you want them away from public places.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
No skateboarding parks. Build some if you want them away from public places.
There is. As far as I recall there’s one in Orchard, one in East Coast… unless they have been removed as I haven’t been to these places since 2008


He could have done it in a more stylish way.... for example, the Zangief spinning move.

Agreed, or maybe like this from Shoryuken