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[Singapore] - SMRT staff suspended after video showed him violently shoving skateboarder at Esplanade MRT


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


"We are sorry that our staff overreacted," SMRT said.

The public transport service provider wrote that the staff in question had previously told the skateboarder that skateboarding was not permitted within the station premises for the safety of commuters.

The post said: "When the staff saw that the person was skateboarding towards the stairs which other commuters were also using, the staff ran towards the person to stop him from doing so."

SMRT said that a report had been made regarding the incident and that they were assisting TransCom with their investigations.

The suspended staff member will also be "supporting" the proceedings.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
This is why nowadays just let people do what they want even if it is against the rules.

Unless you are actualy someone of power or given the specific task to stop someone from doing something , just let them do what they want.

Cover your ass by saying you told them the rules and that they should not do it. Do not actually take measures to actually stop them.

Otherwise the ultimate loser is the person trying to follow the rules.


Lots of power crazy Sinkies and Malaysians employed by Govt agencies. Only matter of time, another Gorge Floyd incident to happen here.


Those dumbass skateboarders ought to be taught a lesson. Everyday wasting their time and life away. Dreaming of taking part in the next Olympics Skateboarding event is it?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Those dumbass skateboarders ought to be taught a lesson. Everyday wasting their time and life away. Dreaming of taking part in the next Olympics Skateboarding event is it?
This country and its people are just too uptight. Singapore is respected for its economic success and ethnic Chinese running the country efficiently. However, people have no soul, no tolerance. The sight of skateboarders, cyclists could cause misery equivalent to the death of a mother. Sad.


Alfrescian (Inf)
At last managed to find one local with balls .
We should crowfund to support this heroic local for daring to take action-as most of the MRT staff I encountered just turn a blind eye to so many people not wearing mask in trains and platforms.Not wearing mask is more dangerous than skating as the virus CAN KILL
I always wanted to tell the people not wearing mask off but have to force myself to stop as people who are paid to do this job are not doing it.
Anyway these sheep will be slaughtered anyway so why bother


i support the net staff
he at least have guts rather than making stupid announcement which doesn't deter these skateboarder punks
these skateboarder punks in mrt stations needs to be whacked hard to understand the meaning of safety of other commuters


Uptight indeed. Fine you, sue you and jail you gao gao. If you do not follow the rules and clear your trays. Like gangsters see each other buay song and fight to their death.


Old Fart


"We are sorry that our staff overreacted," SMRT said.

The public transport service provider wrote that the staff in question had previously told the skateboarder that skateboarding was not permitted within the station premises for the safety of commuters.

The post said: "When the staff saw that the person was skateboarding towards the stairs which other commuters were also using, the staff ran towards the person to stop him from doing so."

SMRT said that a report had been made regarding the incident and that they were assisting TransCom with their investigations.

The suspended staff member will also be "supporting" the proceedings.

The SMRT staff deployed the correct technic. If he did not knock the bastard off his skateboard, he would've escaped. No one can outrun a skateboarder.