Corporate doublespeak is a common phrase used to describe deceptive and manipulative language that is used in corporate communications, often by corporate executives and public relations professionals. It is characterized by the use of euphemisms, buzzwords, and jargon that make it difficult to understand the true meaning of what is being said.
This type of language is meant to obfuscate the truth, obscure facts, and present information in a way that is more favorable to the company. In many cases, corporate doublespeak can be intentionally misleading and keep people from getting the real facts. This type of language is also used in order to avoid liability or negative press that could come from saying something that could be misinterpreted.
The use of corporate doublespeak is not limited to corporate communications. It can also be found in anything from advertising campaigns to press releases. It can be used to manipulate public opinion or to hide the truth from shareholders and the public. For example, a company might refer to a failed product launch as an “unfortunate set of circumstances” in order to make it seem like the issue was out of their hands.
Another way that corporate doublespeak is used is by avoiding the use of language that evokes strong emotions or paints the company in a negative light. For example, a company may refer to layoffs as “restructuring” in order to avoid evoking feelings of loss and anger in their employees.
One of the most egregious forms of corporate doublespeak is the use of euphemisms. This involves using gentle and benign language to describe something that isn’t so pleasant. For example, a company may refer to layoffs as “reducing headcount” or “streamlining the workforce” in order to make it seem like the decision isn’t so bad.
It is important to recognize that the use of corporate doublespeak is not necessarily malicious. In many cases, it is simply a tactic that companies use to make sure they don’t offend any potential customers or to help them promote their image. However, it is important to be aware of the fact that corporate doublespeak can be used to mislead and obfuscate the truth. If a company is using language to hide facts or manipulate public opinion, it is important to recognize it and call it out. Only by doing so can we ensure that the public is not deceived and that we can hold companies liable for their actions.