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Singapore Property prices expected to crash badly soon


Many months ago my very dear bro @sos also said that COE would crash but it never happen and instead COE has sky rocketed



Join the free hunt for a $380,000 coin hidden somewhere in Singapore​

Carl Samson
Fri, 11 October 2024 at 3:07 am SGT1-min read


A cash hunt game known as “Hunt The Mouse” returns to Singapore from Oct. 10 to Nov. 9, with its biggest-ever prize pool of 1 million Singaporean dollars ($765,000).
Dubbed the “world’s simplest million-dollar cash hunt,” the game requires players to look for a gold coin worth 500,000 Singaporean dollar ($382,500), 175 silver coins each worth 2,500 Singaporean dollars ($1,912) and 125 silver coins each worth 500 Singaporean dollars ($382.5), which are hidden progressively across the city state. Players can follow daily hints on Sqkii’s — the gamification marketing company behind the hunt — Facebook, Instagram and Telegram and use a real-time map to track coin locations.

To date, over 400,000 Singaporean dollars ($306,000) in prizes has been awarded to 193 winners, CEO Kenny Choi told Mothership. The free-to-play game is open to both residents and tourists and offers additional rewards through power-ups.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Those who missed the boat of the million dollar Hdb flats now become naysayers talking market down. Pap is in control they have vested interests they will never let the property market fall. It’s easy to prop up a market country like sg. Pap in full control of all the organs of state at their disposal


Property won’t crash because it is the cash cow for the pap. At the end of the day, most sheeple huat also due to this scam


FED U-turned from interest rate cut to berhenti and may start to increase the rate soon
inflation thus rises and it will drive up property price


FED U-turned from interest rate cut to berhenti and may start to increase the rate soon
inflation thus rises and it will drive up property price
more sinkies will jump becos of rising costs, rising interest rates plus retrenchment. Buy beyond your fucking means becos must hao lian. Sinkies deserve every piece of shit that hits the fan



What Is a Reverse Repurchase Agreement (RRP)? How It Works, With Example​

James Chen

Updated May 08, 2024
Reviewed by
Thomas J. Catalano
Fact checked by
Vikki Velasquez
Reverse Repurchase Agreement

Jessica Olah / Investopedia

What Is a Reverse Repurchase Agreement (RRP)?​

A reverse repurchase agreement (RRP), or reverse repo, is the sale of securities with the agreement to repurchase them at a higher price at a specific future date. A reverse repo refers to the seller side of a repurchase agreement (RP), or repo.

These transactions, which often occur between two banks, are essentially collateralized loans. The difference between the original purchase price and the buyback price, along with the timing of the transaction (often overnight), equates to interest paid by the seller to the buyer. The reverse repo is the final step in the repurchase agreement, closing the contract.




Key Takeaways​

  • A reverse repurchase agreement is a short-term agreement to sell securities in order to buy them back at a slightly higher price.
  • Repurchase agreements (RPs, or repos) and reverse repos are used for short-term lending and borrowing, often overnight, for banks looking to fulfill their reserve requirements.
  • Central banks use repos and reverse repos to add and remove from the money supply via open market operations.