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Serious [ Singapore News ] Beware of Pro Muslim Anti Chinese Bilahari Kausikan : The One Accusing Others of Manipulation is The One Trying To Manipulate YOU


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
In summary, all he's saying is any country who is pro-Beijing is an idiot who lacks his intellectual brilliance and therefore fall prey to China's "psychological operations" (whatever that means). The weird part of his whole narrative if you just swap the words from China to US it works just as well for anyone - a clear sign the guy is simply spouting emotive religious ideology.

This guy cannot be trusted rah. Problem is 69.9% happy to be bullshitted by MIW. Lol :biggrin:


Indian by nature are paranoid lot who often think there is a conspiracy when things don't go their way. Thus everything is about conspiracy, racism, Chinese privilege etc. Bilahari fits perfectly into this profile.

I agree Indian are ill suited to work in the field of foreign affair as they might misread the intentions of other parties and resulting strategic blunders.
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good example is ms vivian n peer indian ong yukun. so happy to rub shoulder with dictator, too bad dictator dotard saw thru his guises and reject his audience.


Indian by nature are paranoid lot who often think there is a conspiracy when things don't go their way. Thus everything is about conspiracy, racism, Chinese privilege etc. Bilahari fits perfectly into this profile.

I agree Indian are ill suited to work in the field of foreign affair as they might misread the intentions of other parties and resulting strategic blunders.

This guy is more juvenile than paranoid and I don't think it's got to do with him being an Indian. Tommy Koh and this other Chinese perm sec whose name I can't recall shares the same views as well.

The thing about international geopolitics is it's basically a super complicated multi-dimensional game of chess with ever changing rules. There are various conflating interests, moving pieces and narratives everyday and one has to navigate like a good trading pro - 100% pragmatic, sensible, flexible and most importantly know what you don't know.

The issue I have with people like Tommy and Bilahari isn't the fact they are pro-US or anti-China, it's the sheer immature and pubescent way they view the whole game - always thinking in playground logic like who is good who is bad, who win who lose, your fault my fault, you stupid I not stupid etc. They are behaving like a bunch of kopitiam uncles over beers injecting way too much personal baggage and ego. It's an embarrassment that our senior diplomats are operating at this sort of amateurish level.


Singapore would be more developed if it had a indian PM instead if lky.

Whatever limited resources and energies would have been squandered with all the unnecessary quarrels and trouble making KPKKs. Singapore would be a replica of the shithole of the motherland of such a PM.

Check with the Ugandans why they expelled the 80,000 dukawallas in their midst in 1972. Just 80,000 in numbers but these KPKKs were sufficient to cause problems to Uganda with their dishonesty and attitudes of superiority toward the native Ugandans. Ditto in Fiji where there was constant tensions, social and political unrest between these KPKKs and the native Fijians as well as racial discrimination against the native Fijians by these KPKKs.
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I heard that his spouse is a Japanese?
He was at 4 SMC during NS, but not sure where he was posted, after commissioning.
He was about to ROD, when he joined us (reservist officers) at SATO (Advanced Course for Reservist Armour and Infantry Officers).

The one with a Japanese spouse (Jane Yumiko Ittogi) is another "Indian Pride", Tharman Shanmugaratnam. With the usual 50-50 gender ratio, the females of these "Indian Pride" community are being left on the shelve as these male KPKKs seek to shed their Indianness at the earliest opportunity, and upgrade their shame of being born an Indian as well as elevate their social status with an East Asian or White girl in their arms.

I am sure the parents, sisters and female relatives of these male KPKKs are deeply ashamed and offended by such blatant insults and slurs by these male KPKKs against them and the female Indian community. I have heard of this remark, "...because you all [male KPKKs] go for Chinese girls" by local Indian females several times. I believe this is an observation and belief shared by many Indian females as it is based on irrefutable fact.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Bilahari was a great friend of mine and I will forever treasure the time we had together.


Cuntmouth was exiled. Even old fuck agreed he was a cunt mouth. Now hes unleashed. Why would any idiot reporter give him talk time?

This Indian can't help himself. It's in the genetic and cultural make up of Indians to create trouble and seek conflict where none exists. For no good reason, he shot his cheebai mouth against the Malaysian Chinese and the DAP in October 2015, labelling them "delusional", and against Dr Mahatir and in support of Malaysia's chief thief, Najib. This KPKK Indian sought to cloak his incendiary personal views and public commentary by invoking the name of Singapore, his "sole concern", as his cover.

“...one of the most common forms of delusion in political affairs is to mistake one’s hopes and dreams for reality or to believe that if one wishes fervently enough for something it will become reality...this particular hope and dream [this cheebai's disingenuous claim about the DAP seeking to change a Malay-dominated political landscape] may well lead to disaster; it did in the past and if it happens again Singapore — my sole concern — cannot but be affected. So my hope is that whatever their dreams, the DAP’s policies will be made during their waking hours.”

In response, DAP's Tony Pua stated this about the "mercenary prick of Southeast Asia", an accepted fact amongst ASEAN countries and I am sure, China as well.

“In effect, (Mr Kausikan’s) valuable advice is stop smoking whatever we are smoking, Mr Najib is a nice guy you can cut deals with. Instead, we should all accept the fact that multi-billion ringgit scandals and ‘donations’ are costs Malaysians have to accept to ensure peace and prosperity...He did Singapore no favour by cementing the perception of his country as the mercenary prick of Southeast Asia … And they wonder why they have no friends"

Now that PH is in power, Mahatir is in charge and Najib will soon be spending time in Sungei Buloh, and the "hopes and dreams" have become a reality, this KPKK snake with the forked tongue will find a way to unleash his chibai mouth and cause trouble again.

This loudmouthed troublemaking Indian bastard needs to be culled. For the sake of the country, the Chinese majority and the Malay minority, there needs to be a change in the practice of putting Indians in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and allowing this Ministry to be dominated by these Indians. As I said, these Indians are genetically and culturally predisposed to creating conflict and causing trouble.
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From 2:49 - 2:58

"Indeed, we carry out our overseas tour starting with Indonesia because this is the neighbour that is closest to us and one with familial relationships..." Dr Mahatir, Bogor Indonesia, 29 June 2018

The fact that Mahatir described Indonesia, located 1,600 km away and two hours by flight from KL to Jakarta as the "closest neighbour", whilst Singapore, just one kilometre across the causeway is not seen as a neigbour that is "closest" is, in the world of diplomacy, a slap for Miss Singapore, the KPKKs and the other cheebai mouths in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It's even worse considering the fact that Miss Singapore decided to tuck his tail between his legs to pay Mahatir a courtesy call very soon after he was appointed PM.

This is the outcome of interfering in Malaysia's internal affairs and elections, publicly badmouthing Mahatir and the Malaysian opposition by Keling Kausikan and the other KPKK "mercenary pricks" in MFA especially since these bastards assumed and were supremely confident that PH would not win and form the government. Even your closest neighbour, located a mere one kilometre away, refuse to see or acknowledge you as her "closest neighbour". Needless to say, the policies that will flow from such a view by the Malaysians will not be too comforting for Sinkies.
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It Indian nature to suckle up to those in power and control. This treacherous genes was evident when they switched loyalty from the British to the Japanese when the former was on the declined and latter on ascendary during WW2.

It no surprise that Bilahari did was no different. Brown-nosing UMNO and now sole superpower of the world.