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Singapore Is Wealthy Not Thanks to Water but Trust – One Thing Malaysia Lacks

A Singaporean

That idiot is obviously a Malaysian without an imagination. They are pissing in their pants as our air Force flies with impunity over their air space. Maybe they can shoot rubber bands at our air Force.
KPKB about the disputed water and in the end Nothing. Totally useless and only good at threatening stupid Sinkies.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mahathir is just trying to recoup money from numerous sources after Najib had collaborated with China to screw over Malaysia.

Beware the China debt trap.

Mahathir should keep his own house in order as he is only a temporary PM with Anwar breathing heavily down his neck. He dares to instigate another Asean country against mighty China. He is dead meat!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mahathir should keep his own house in order as he is only a temporary PM with Anwar breathing heavily down his neck. He dares to instigate another Asean country against mighty China. He is dead meat!

China 'seems' mighty but it also has its own internal problems. There are factions within the CCP which are really buay song Xi Jinping, and biding their time to depose him.

Time will reveal everything.


Alfrescian (Inf)
China 'seems' mighty but it also has its own internal problems. There are factions within the CCP which are really buay song Xi Jinping, and biding their time to depose him.

Time will reveal everything.

That is politicking and back-stabbing Chinese style. It has always been like that! Xi Jinping has his eyes wide open.

syed putra

Very interesting chart

I wonder how it would look like if compared between say, klang valley v singapore.( urban v urban)
And why per capita gdp growth seems stagnated in malaysia before 1997 asia financial crash when its growth was at it highest.
And if strength of the currency accelerated singapore's per capita gdp growth as it was about 1:1 in 1980's between S$ to RM and its 3 times more in 2016.