What you just mentioned reflects the PAP's Elitist Entitlement Mindset.
No one is stopping lhl from doing the same.
Its up to the individual leader's capabilities, abilities, intelligence and competence and
not high salary that speaks volumes.
Yes, the World is watching! Very intently!
lhl's constant whining, complaining, insulting China is not going to get anything accomplished.
China don't owe lhl a living.
Anyone can bypass Straits of Malacca if it makes economic sense.
Anyone can do whatever they like with their own resources like oil, and raw materials,
they want to ship where and fly where, its their own resources and their own money.
I mean lhl is free to do the same with his own resources.
Economics benefits is a two way traffic not a one way traffic like what Singapore is doing, paying lhl sky high salary
while the citizens have to struggle with low pay and high competition.
What is lhl expecting?
Everything on a silver platter and go smoothly like what he has been used to when lky was around?
tpp must have been a dammed dirty trade deal that why the USA wants to pull out of tpp.
No one force USA to pull out.
tpp is not a good trade deal for the USA so better pull out now than regret later.
lhl expects everyone must give him face like all his cronies in Singapore?
It is leader like PM LHL that would destroy Singapore, ASEAN and the World Trade.