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Singapore has been offered the state-of-the-art AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) ultra long-range radar, TPY-4, developed Lockheed Martin


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Looking at our strategic location, we are the richest Nation in Asean and possibily in Asia.
Having a strong military and capability is essential. More importantly we can

We may not be able to join BRIC, and we need to arm ourselves to the teeth.
Why is it essential? WHo is our enemies or enemies that make having a strong military essential. Explain or shut up


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Make no mistakes. This equipment DO serve a purpose. Draw a circle with a radius of 1000km & one will realize it would COVER the SOUTH CHINA SEAS too, where much contention & conflict is smouldering daily......

With this equipment & its back ups, Singapore has taken the responsibility to keep our neighbors ASEAN & Humanity, INFORMED should a weather or aerial phenomena, or man-made crisis occurs within that radar coverage & the necessary actions needed to keep the population of this region safe...

As mentioned before in one of RSAF recruitment campaign to enlist DEDICATED officers & men - There is NO such thing as unidentified flying objects in our skies.....( not even any mortal made hypersonic missiles can escape radar detection....)

Another talk cock shitter. Who died and made Singapore responsible to keep it's ASEAN neighbours informed? Are they paying for the radar? Under what terms and treaty did we assume this responsibilty? U are so full of shit


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another talk cock shitter. Who died and made Singapore responsible to keep it's ASEAN neighbours informed? Are they paying for the radar? Under what terms and treaty did we assume this responsibilty? U are so full of shit

Unfortunately, it's Sinkieland's responsibility whether we like it or not.

If anyone's to blame, it's China/CCP/Winnie shit-stirring in the South China Sea... which I remind again, does NOT belong to China and is international waters. A lot of your shipping goes through it.

Snot-sized peesai island is straddling the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca. Neutrality is not an option.

Vietnam and the Philippines are also making their moves recently. Japan is also making moves regarding Taiwan. Things are going to get spicy. :cool:


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Unfortunately, it's Sinkieland's responsibility whether we like it or not.

If anyone's to blame, it's China/CCP/Winnie shit-stirring in the South China Sea... which I remind again, does NOT belong to China and is international waters. A lot of your shipping goes through it.

Snot-sized peesai island is straddling the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca. Neutrality is not an option.

Vietnam and the Philippines are also making their moves recently. Japan is also making moves regarding Taiwan. Things are going to get spicy. :cool:
This is your reasoning? What are u? Stupid all of a sudden? SO what if a lot of shipping goes through it. How much of that actually stops in Singapore? A fraction. For fucks sake, we don't even have a shipping company anymore. The main beneficiary of all this shipping is China and Europe. And like u said, it's international waters. Why is singapore footing the bill for this? IS the UN compensating us back? Talk cock. We are insignificant, and but yahyah


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is your reasoning? What are u? Stupid all of a sudden? SO what if a lot of shipping goes through it. How much of that actually stops in Singapore? A fraction. For fucks sake, we don't even have a shipping company anymore. The main beneficiary of all this shipping is China and Europe. And like u said, it's international waters. Why is singapore footing the bill for this? IS the UN compensating us back? Talk cock. We are insignificant, and but yahyah

It's international waters, but China has other ideas. Now that encroachment is getting too close for comfort.

You seem to have the misconception that if the PAP regime had hypothetically saved a certain sum of money, it would have been channeled towards more productive or practical uses, or it trickles down to benefit the the masses.

Clearly, you have forgotten what kind of country we live in. :biggrin:

Even if you sincerely consider this as a wastage of public money, it's peanuts compared to the wastage in other areas. :cool:


It would be good that Singapore can have a full radar that can be used to track movement of airplane missiles ships 1000 km away from Singapore mainland.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
It's international waters, but China has other ideas. Now that encroachment is getting too close for comfort.

You seem to have the misconception that if the PAP regime had hypothetically saved a certain sum of money, it would have been channeled towards more productive or practical uses, or it trickles down to benefit the the masses.

Clearly, you have forgotten what kind of country we live in. :biggrin:

Even if you sincerely consider this as a wastage of public money, it's peanuts compared to the wastage in other areas. :cool:
The only one having misconceptions is you. We are a peesai country. Other much larger countries like the US have much more at risk if China encroaches into the South China Sea. Let them deal with it. They have the military power to counter China. We don't. And it's an outright contradiction when u say we have to keep an eye on China's encroachment, when we already let in 1 million of them into singapore to make the largest 5th column in SE Asia.


Having a bit of advance knowledge is not a crime. Acquiring knowledge does not necessarily makes one an enemy or a friend. Knowledge is about survival.

Those whom presume that PEACE comes at no cost or sacrifices, be dependent on others to fight for our own survival & in the end be conned, are only being naive or moronic. May NO Singaporean - of any race, religion or language, forget Feb 1942...

It is said that there are those dedicated whom work hard day & night to keep us safe so that we may have a peaceful sleep at night.

Good night & sweet dreams everyone.....

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Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Having a bit of advance knowledge is not a crime. Acquiring knowledge does not necessarily makes one an enemy or a friend. Knowledge is about survival.

Those whom presume that PEACE comes at no cost or sacrifices, be dependent on others to fight for our own survival & in the end be conned, are only being naive or moronic. May NO Singaporean - of any race, religion or language, forget Feb 1942...

It is said that there are those dedicated whom work hard day & night to keep us safe so that we may have a peaceful sleep at night.

Good night & sweet dreams everyone.....

U talk so much cock u must have shit for brains. U need advance knowledge to what end? What is it for? To prevent enemy form attacking us? Who are these enemies and why would they bother to attack us?

I can't believe that u brought up 1942. LOL. completely different situation. go and study it before u mouth off on it.

I have news for u. If we disbanded the SAF entirely and kept only the SPF, we will be completely safe at night. Understand or not?


U talk so much cock u must have shit for brains. U need advance knowledge to what end? What is it for? To prevent enemy form attacking us? Who are these enemies and why would they bother to attack us?

I can't believe that u brought up 1942. LOL. completely different situation. go and study it before u mouth off on it.

I have news for u. If we disbanded the SAF entirely and kept only the SPF, we will be completely safe at night. Understand or not?
But you won't know what will happened if next morning strikes.