Ordinarily, maids and industries with a large percentage of foreign workers from 3rd world countries are not part of a minimum wage plan.
Now let me ask you then, why are Maids and industries with large percentage of foreign workers from 3rd world needed and are not going be part of minimum wage plan, if you are PUSHING FOR MINIMUM WAGE? Singaporean is 上等人?
Please ask those who have a maid at home why they need a maid? So they can concentrate on their career and bring home more dough for their family. Without a maid, you think those who rely on a maid will be able to be 100% focus on their work and spend as much time on work than with family? Without a maid, they got to spend time, managing their homes and kids.
The next thing I am going to ask you is if there is a minimum wage, will Singaporeans want to be a household maid? If there is a minimum wage, will Singaporeans want to be a construction worker? Or even a rubbish cleaner? These are the jobs being filled up with Foreign workers. And everyone is avoiding this aspect entirely pushing for minimum wages at the other end. Precisely, no Singaporeans want these jobs, that's why Foreign workers are chosen.
Why? (You should know the answer)
-Low pay
-Low Esteem
-Not a prestigious job.
How much wages will a Local accept to be a household maid, construction worker, rubbish cleaner? And you think will anyone then employ them with their new increased minimum wage?
Of course your argument will be these group of industries should not even part of a minimum wage plan.
This is the appalling part. You guys want the best of everything and yet at the expense of these foreign workers and keep coming here saying you are fighting for basic human rights.
If you want fight for something, be fair to everyone. If you know you cannot be fair, then don't fight for it on the pretext of basic human rights.
Fighting for eg $1600 minimum wage and try applying this minimum wage to household maid at $1600 per month, Send back all the filipinos, burmese, indon maids and leave this $1600 household maid job to local Singaporeans. Any takers?
We can press for minimum wage, press to send back all these foreigners so that jobs can be created only for Singaporeans. The problem is any takers?
No takers? Nevermind lor, bring down the minimum wage for this specific industry so foreign workers will take up and Singaporeans will employ.
This is the contradicting move you are having
Selective industries and people.
Of course I know you will say this to drive your point and say the money that household maids make are sufficient money for them to send home to have a better life for their family.
And then you ask those poor workers in Singapore, and the money they make are not SUFFICIENT. So that's why people press for minimum wage
This is your reason of justifying why minimum wage is fought for selective people
Having said that, maids here can and should be paid more. The fascist PAP regime sucks out $320 per month from each maid and does close to nothing to ensure that maids and even migrant workers are taken care of humanely and are not exploited by their agents back home, here or by their employers here.
Earlier you have written they are not part of the minimum wage plan and already treating them like unimportant, here you are asking the PAP regime to ensure they are well taken care of. How hypocrite.
And to phouse3, I hope the next time you can tell everybody here what is your suggested minimum wage when you said before even $6.80/hr as minimum wage is NOT ENOUGH.