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Singapore digital bank licences are awarded to questionable applicants.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

In my opinion, the only one with some credibility is the TRUST BANK, a collaboration between SCB and FAIRPRICE.
Why do you TRUST a bank that cannot be trusted.

Why NOT VISA Mastercard which meant for international or cross-border transactions
Visa and other cards protect the user information.


Why do you TRUST a bank that cannot be trusted.

Why NOT VISA Mastercard which meant for international or cross-border transactions
Visa and other cards protect the user information.
What I mean is amongst those with the Digital Banking license awarded, TRUST is probably the most stable one since they are formed by SCB and FAIRPRICE. The rest like SEA and GRAB are not even generating profits for themselves eversince their IPOs, so how can you trust your money with them? Anyway, I currently don't have an account with any of those Digital Banks and also don't intend to.

My SCB E$AVER Account is currently giving me 3.8% with no lock-in period. That's enough for the time being. When they will change the rate again after February 2023, I may switch back to my FSM ONE or POEMS trading accounts again.

Anyway, in this world, nothing is guaranteed, except death.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

What I mean is amongst those with the Digital Banking license awarded, TRUST is probably the most stable one since they are formed by SCB and FAIRPRICE. The rest like SEA and GRAB are not even generating profits for themselves eversince their IPOs, so how can you trust your money with them? Anyway, I currently don't have an account with any of those Digital Banks and also don't intend to.

My SCB E$AVER Account is currently giving me 3.8% with no lock-in period. That's enough for the time being. When they will change the rate again after February 2023, I may switch back to my FSM ONE or POEMS trading accounts again.

Anyway, in this world, nothing is guaranteed, except death.

I see.

To me SCB cannot be trusted because it predominantly employs CECA for it is technology and business functions.


I see.

To me SCB cannot be trusted because it predominantly employs CECA for it is technology and business functions.
Not really lah. Their board of directors are still mainly the Ang Mohs. It will be a big disaster for SCB to collapse. Even Temasek will be greatly affected since they are a substantial shareholder in SCB.

Anyway, most of the brick-and-mortar banks in Singapore have been downsizing lately. Almost all have done so, not just the 3 local banks. The 3 local banks are merely blood suckers. They pay pittance for their customers' deposits, but charge a lot for their loans.

Source: https://www.sc.com/en/about/our-people/

So, which banks do you trust? Definitely not Indian, not China, not Malaysian, so what else? MasterCard and VisaCard are not banks in proper. They are merely card issuers.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
What I mean is amongst those with the Digital Banking license awarded, TRUST is probably the most stable one since they are formed by SCB and FAIRPRICE. The rest like SEA and GRAB are not even generating profits for themselves eversince their IPOs, so how can you trust your money with them? Anyway, I currently don't have an account with any of those Digital Banks and also don't intend to.

My SCB E$AVER Account is currently giving me 3.8% with no lock-in period. That's enough for the time being. When they will change the rate again after February 2023, I may switch back to my FSM ONE or POEMS trading accounts again.

Anyway, in this world, nothing is guaranteed, except death.
What's SCB? Smelly CheeBye?

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Yes, believe me I was an ex-employee (senior level) of Standard Chartered Bank handing many projects in APAC region and I understand its policies very well. Most of the strategic decisions are made by the board of directors' mostly British who simply take advisories from CECA in the Technology transformation. It has been focusing on emerging markets for the past 2 decades.

SCB was one of the banks which was completely transformed digitally its infrastructure relying on AWS, Google and Microsoft. They failed to analyze the RIISKS associated with the digital automation and failed to mitigate the risks. It was a major bank migrated from legacy to Cloud based and that is not s stupidest decision ever, Standard Chartered Bank lost its credibility already. You will see that in the due time.

Temasek also believes in CECA leadership, and it invested so much on its Cloud automation as well., That was NOT a wise decision either. It may look like a good move nut it is a stupid move as I am dealing with both Lion and Dragon all 365 days, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

So, I can discern more than CEO of Temasek or Group CEO of SCB, Bill Winters, SG Government cannot wake up as they are all blinded by the Lion (Satan) and CECA influence. Wait, they all would regret only when they feel the pinch as I foresee the SG economy collapse together with all those who sided with Cloud automation

DBS is a major bank impacted due to digitization policies for Temasek.
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Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
The point of PAP granting these mobile payment companies a bank license is to regulate them like financial institutions.

Imagine Ezylink used to hold average of $20 every sinkie commuter.. how much spare cash is that in their balance sheet in total? Can they use that spare cash to invest? Or use as collateral?

With e-commerce becoming ubiquitous, everyone is going to have an e-wallet and placing payment companies under financial regulations is the natural progression


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes, believe me I was an ex-employee (senior level) of Standard Chartered Bank handing many projects in APAC region and I understand its policies very well. Most of the strategic decisions are made by the board of directors' mostly British who simply take advisories from CECA in the Technology transformation. It has been focusing on emerging markets for the past 2 decades.

SCB was one of the banks which was completely transformed digitally its infrastructure relying on AWS, Google and Microsoft. They failed to analyze the RIISKS associated with the digital automation and failed to mitigate the risks. It was a major bank migrated from legacy to Cloud based and that is not s stupidest decision ever, Standard Chartered Bank lost its credibility already. You will see that in the due time.

Temasek also believes in CECA leadership, and it invested so much on its Cloud automation as well., That was NOT a wise decision either. It may look like a good move nut it is a stupid move as I am dealing with both Lion and Dragon all 365 days, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

So, I can discern more than CEO of Temasek or Group CEO of SCB, Bill Winters, SG Government cannot wake up as they are all blinded by the Lion (Satan) and CECA influence. Wait, they all would regret only when they feel the pinch as I foresee the SG economy collapse together with all those who sided with Cloud automation

DBS is a major bank impacted due to digitization policies for Temasek.
As an IT guy for decades, I firmly believe cloud computing is just a fallacy and scam to steal your info and sell them. Cloud providers are like Hotel California, you can check in but you can never leave.
And all IT professionals chose to ignore the elephant in the room, which is the internet being your single-point-of-failure. They need to follow the narrative to keep their jobs.
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why the fuck do we need digital banks when all existing banks already digital?

another con scam?
in a word, yes. if you notice all the so-called tech and/or green businesses? all hype, no profits yet people pour billions into them. and gahmen keep pushing all resources into this area.


Alfrescian (Inf)
free rice and ah neh CEO....haha wait till money all disappear.

It's an obvious trap, but daft Sinkies will embrace it similar to how they've embraced anything endorsed by Vomit Singh. :biggrin:



Yes, believe me I was an ex-employee (senior level) of Standard Chartered Bank handing many projects in APAC region and I understand its policies very well. Most of the strategic decisions are made by the board of directors' mostly British who simply take advisories from CECA in the Technology transformation. It has been focusing on emerging markets for the past 2 decades.

SCB was one of the banks which was completely transformed digitally its infrastructure relying on AWS, Google and Microsoft. They failed to analyze the RIISKS associated with the digital automation and failed to mitigate the risks. It was a major bank migrated from legacy to Cloud based and that is not s stupidest decision ever, Standard Chartered Bank lost its credibility already. You will see that in the due time.

Temasek also believes in CECA leadership, and it invested so much on its Cloud automation as well., That was NOT a wise decision either. It may look like a good move nut it is a stupid move as I am dealing with both Lion and Dragon all 365 days, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

So, I can discern more than CEO of Temasek or Group CEO of SCB, Bill Winters, SG Government cannot wake up as they are all blinded by the Lion (Satan) and CECA influence. Wait, they all would regret only when they feel the pinch as I foresee the SG economy collapse together with all those who sided with Cloud automation

DBS is a major bank impacted due to digitization policies for Temasek.
Why don't you recommend which bank is trustworthy in your field of expertise?

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Well, that is a delicate Question as
  • UOB, OCBC are rotten to the CORE with their business polices
  • Citi, DBS and SCB are the most affected
  • Duetsche bank has already been subdued during Jeffrey Epstein's link and CECA CEO leadership (Worked with Duetsche in the past too)
  • UBS AG (Private bank and worked there before as well) has opened up all its private policies recently and is NOT good for Private baking business anymore
  • May Bank in SG seem little bit Cautious.

Unfortunately, all banks are slowly adopting to the changes of Digital transformation and Cloud Automation. I used to admire LKY and his strength as he boosted
SG as a leading global financial hub, and Singapore remains a top pick for individuals seeking wealth management and advisory services in the region. Here are 4 reasons why the Lion City remains a preferred choice for investors seeking offshore banking services.
  1. Excellent Safety, Stability and Regulatory Oversight
  2. Proven Crisis Handling Capabilities
  3. Robust Digital Infrastructure
  4. Established International Banking Hub
However, MAS has already downplayed lost its control which LKY exercised. I will write more on this later

For example, SWIFT mandated all payments should follow ISO20022 standards by Nov 2022. Though the deadline is not met, SWIFT again asking all banks to comply by 2025. Banks have no choice to keep their private data anymore. Some private banks liked that idea of transparency, so their data analytics gave them a greater advantage of how the investments performed well in the past. So, they can better manage their Ultra rich Networth customers in the Funds administration/ Hi Portfolio management.

MY Verdict:

However, there is a greater risk, all data including the private names of the account holders' details will be leaked out. This is NOT a good idea in the longer run for the individual banks like DBS, SCB, Citi etc. The guy who runs the world bank (Rothschilds and family) will target those banks and their businesses to maintain its monopoly. Rothschilds family has been maintaining monopoly for about 5 centuries after gaining from the Napolean war.

However, I am not happy about the current business that Rothschilds are into. It is a matter of time. As I see clearly that both Lion and Dragon are so vulnerable and are expected to be removed and sent down to the bottomless PIT located in the Hell. Satan (Lion) even indicated that his incarceration will be like a baby in a incubator of 99.5 degrees F. But that's not true as I have seen the bottomless pit on several occasions in a vision. Though I had never been there, I have seen with my own eyes in a vision. Ironically when I had those visions, Satan was also present. God indicated that there is NONE on this earth have ever had a glimpse of the bottomless pit. No man can go there as it si exclusively for fallen angels to be kept as a prison. Though it is NOT a Hell Fire or lake of Fire which will be the final doom, this place is extremely hot. I kept my room temperature at 18 degrees but i was so sweaty just to sneak a peek at the pit.

It is just a temporary abode or Prison for Satan. How the Law of SG works, Divine Law also works in the Spiritual realm. Both Lion and Dragon are subject to my spiritual authority. If I have to send them, to bottomless pit, they will NOT have access to anyone on earth. They will be confined in the Prison.

Tell me what will happen to the Economy of the entire world if Lion, Dragon and Rothschild and his agents are removed.
This is what I have been drafting for and Lion is well aware of it

Singapore Dancing Spirit

  • The future is bleak. when Mr. Chan Chun Sing, SG Ex-minister for MTI is baffled. I foresee Mr. Chan Chun Sing is a threat to Singapore economy. Let's see why Singapore economy is now in a Jeopardy.

    As an Ex-Regional Head of UBS AG, Wealth Management IT Division serving regions SG, HK and Japan), i recall why Singapore is called “SWITZERLAND OF ASIA “. It is because Singapore is the world’s second largest banking center, behind Switzerland.

    Singapore (Not HK) has become one of the leading offshore wealth management hubs globally, and its role is expected to strengthen as Asia-Pacific continues to be the fastest-growing region for high-net- worth individual (HNWI) population and wealth.

    The relative maturity of the Singaporean regulatory system makes it an attractive destination for overseas investors who want their accumulated wealth to be safe and well managed. The key success with placing funds in Singapore was SG does not share banking information with outside regulators. This ultimately resulted in a great deal of the fund outflow from Switzerland that has occurred in the past.
  • Banking acts were regulated that all the data Centre and back offices and contingent servers are maintained geographically within Singapore. This mandated that people working in private banking must work within Singapore. However, this law is NOW outdated as all; banks have migrated LEGACY to Cloud sharing the data with culprits like Google CCP, AWS, Azure etc. These culprits knew how to get to the banking private data and thus banking secrecy of SG banks were already fallen.
  • One of the major (private bank) Swiss banks in Singapore approached me to help them to take a strategic decision whether or not to use Google’s cloud services for their business. I suggested NOT to go. And the muti-billion-dollar project was abruptly halted.
  • Within few hours, the PA to SUNDER PICHAI (Google CEO - Cheap Executive Officer) was trying to bribe be millions of dollars to just to give a green light to their project and. when i declined the bribes firmly, my YouTube account with more than 50000 followers was suspended and I lost 300+ videos which i did not take any backup for.

As India wants to take SG business over to India so as to work remotely from India via clouds, it violated MAS regulation once upon a time. Now major banks are shifting their IT Operations to India I am confident that these white-collar jobs must be kept in SG. But Chan Chun Sing, minister violated himself. ALL new policies are now changed due to MAS leadership, Temasek leadership are not up to the mark.

If LKY is still alive, he would not have let this happen.
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As an IT guy for decades, I firmly believe cloud computing is just a fallacy and scam to steal your info and sell them. Cloud providers are like Hotel California, you can check in but you can never leave.
And all IT professionals chose to ignore the elephant in the room, which is the internet being your single-point-of-failure. They need to follow the narrative to keep their jobs.
you forgot the ability to charge you for the "privilege" of keeping data with them. cloud storage makes me nervous.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

you forgot the ability to charge you for the "privilege" of keeping data with them. cloud storage makes me nervous.

Agree. Cloud Automations were intended for stealing the Private data. They say it is all encrypted, but they also hold decryptions logic It would not take much time to back up all data into their Mainframes. All Top 5 accounting firms from USA are all SOLD out to this syndicate as they did not do any auditing on these Cloud platforms.for IT Security and data Privacy,

US Congress cannot do anything as the IT Giants with CECA bosses were wielding POWERS on the user account suspension.

President TRUMP who was still a President in the office, but his Twitter account was suspended. There is no action taken
My YouTube, Facebook accounts were suspended but I am going to take action on Google and Facebook will be a part of the History.

It is all Spiritual and you will know my LEADERSHIP ROLE will be more important and critical than President of USA Office as I am drafting the PLANS for the World Economy.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I strongly suggest you guys to follow Rob Braxman on YouTube. He brings great insights into the big techs' nefarious nature from a cybersecurity expert's viewpoint .



Alfrescian (Inf)
you forgot the ability to charge you for the "privilege" of keeping data with them. cloud storage makes me nervous.
And there are also hidden costs in ingress and egress which aren't clearly spelt out. Moving between cloud providers is a huge undertaking in terms of costs if you have tons of data up there. These CSPs deliberately make it difficult to protect their own interests.