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Singapore Covid : AMDK continued to test positive for 34 days after being symptom-free


And in appreciation, you decided to spot that strawberry photo in your signature?:biggrin: That's a photo posted by that shameless imposter.:eek::biggrin:
am I that transparent?? sorry, I'm really a sucker for that photo... I love strawberries. If you've got spare time, you may wish to do a search on my posts on strawberries. I think you'll enjoy them!


You may be right. I could be one of them walking around with mild symptoms. For the past month or so, I've been having a slight sore throat, a heavy head on some mornings when I wake up. Had diarrhea for the most part of last week. My normal temp is 36.5-36.7. But it registers 37.1-37.2 on some days.
that sounds like covid... my symptoms the same for the last two weeks. There was a phase when I would get lightheaded and just go and sleep. couldn't stay awake. worst is over. but it's still not totally over. now into 2+weeks of not feeling well. If this virus is anything, it has a long recovery time/


Old Fart
am I that transparent?? sorry, I'm really a sucker for that photo... I love strawberries. If you've got spare time, you may wish to do a search on my posts on strawberries. I think you'll enjoy them!
I searched. I see we have gotten ourselves into a little bit of a scuffle with the loony one. She's been on my Ignore List for a very long time, but I can see now she is still the same mental case. Anyway, enjoy your strawberries.:biggrin:



Old Fart
that sounds like covid... my symptoms the same for the last two weeks. There was a phase when I would get lightheaded and just go and sleep. couldn't stay awake. worst is over. but it's still not totally over. now into 2+weeks of not feeling well. If this virus is anything, it has a long recovery time/
You too? Well, join the club. I am not surprised since this virus is everywhere now. Just drink more water, take Vitamin C, rest well, eat well.


You too? Well, join the club. I am not surprised since this virus is everywhere now. Just drink more water, take Vitamin C, rest well, eat well.
yeah... might want to follow @Nice-Gook 's suggestion with turmeric. I know it stopped me going downhill. For some reason I can't stay away from curry the last two weeks... anyway worst was in the 1st week. I'm just cruising with this thing now. It's a drag, but it's not deadly.


Old Fart
yeah... might want to follow @Nice-Gook 's suggestion with turmeric. I know it stopped me going downhill. For some reason I can't stay away from curry the last two weeks... anyway worst was in the 1st week. I'm just cruising with this things now. It's a drag, but it's not deadly.
I'm trying not to take too much spicy food, because of the diarrhea. But I did have curry chicken yesterday, will probably have it again today. Since curry is helping you, then go on eating it. I've been self-medicating with vodka (infused with lemon zest for extra vitamin C!). Hmmm, maybe that's causing the heavy head on some mornings.......hangover!:eek:


yeah... might want to follow @Nice-Gook 's suggestion with turmeric. I know it stopped me going downhill. For some reason I can't stay away from curry the last two weeks... anyway worst was in the 1st week. I'm just cruising with this thing now. It's a drag, but it's not deadly.
Turmeric And Milk

Golden milk or milk with turmeric is one of the best ways to boost immunity and enhance our body's natural defence system. Since there's no cure for COVID-19 developed yet, preventing the infection by our strong immune power is the best way to deal with the situation.

According to a journal Frontiers In Microbiology, curcumin in turmeric is very effective against the human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) that causes respiratory tract infections in humans. It also prevents the duplication of RSV in the nasal chambers so that the virus doesn't get transferred to the lungs. Another study says that curcumin in turmeric inhibits property which is effective against SARS-CoV.


Turmeric And Milk

Golden milk or milk with turmeric is one of the best ways to boost immunity and enhance our body's natural defence system. Since there's no cure for COVID-19 developed yet, preventing the infection by our strong immune power is the best way to deal with the situation.

According to a journal Frontiers In Microbiology, curcumin in turmeric is very effective against the human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) that causes respiratory tract infections in humans. It also prevents the duplication of RSV in the nasal chambers so that the virus doesn't get transferred to the lungs. Another study says that curcumin in turmeric inhibits property which is effective against SARS-CoV.
I got a slightly different formula. turmeric and natural yoghurt as good or not?


I'm trying not to take too much spicy food, because of the diarrhea. But I did have curry chicken yesterday, will probably have it again today. Since curry is helping you, then go on eating it. I've been self-medicating with vodka (infused with lemon zest for extra vitamin C!). Hmmm, maybe that's causing the heavy head on some mornings.......hangover!:eek:
hangover depends on the vodka :biggrin:

y'know spicy may or may not give me diarrhea. It's down to how good the base ingredients are and cooking oil is. If spicy and I make it myself with tip top ingredients, often no diarrhea. If go outside to some place without high quality ingredients diarrhea. I got a good example. One of my eating habits is that I frequent vegetarian places in little india. Komala Villas always gives me diarrhea. Ananda Bhavan does not. Both are spicy.


I'm trying not to take too much spicy food, because of the diarrhea. But I did have curry chicken yesterday, will probably have it again today. Since curry is helping you, then go on eating it. I've been self-medicating with vodka (infused with lemon zest for extra vitamin C!). Hmmm, maybe that's causing the heavy head on some mornings.......hangover!:eek:

Try lacteol fort for the diarrhea. It works very well for me when the curry becomes too potent.


Old Fart
hangover depends on the vodka :biggrin:

y'know spicy may or may not give me diarrhea. It's down to how good the base ingredients are and cooking oil is. If spicy and I make it myself with tip top ingredients, often no diarrhea. If go outside to some place without high quality ingredients diarrhea. I got a good example. One of my eating habits is that I frequent vegetarian places in little india. Komala Villas always gives me diarrhea. Ananda Bhavan does not. Both are spicy.
So it's probably the oil that is causing you diarrhea, not so much the spiciness.


i do think its a much better formula..because milk is added for digestion and yoghurt is even better digestive material...but be cautioned ,you are hearing from a quake alternative medicine pusher like me
99% here all quack alternative medicine pusher... :roflmao:


It is estimated that viral shedding — which is when a person infects another — starts happening two to three days before the onset of symptoms. (Source: Max Planck Institute)

A study from China has come to the conclusion that 44 per cent of those who tested positive contracted the disease from an asymptomatic person. They estimated that viral shedding — which is when a person infects another — starts happening two to three days before the onset of symptoms.

The study, published in Nature Medicine on April 15, looked at 94 patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 admitted to Guangzhou Eighth People’s Hospital and said, “We observed the highest viral load in throat swabs at the time of symptom onset, and inferred that infectiousness peaked on or before symptom onset. We estimated that 44%... of secondary cases were infected during the index cases’ presymptomatic stage, in settings with substantial household clustering, active case finding and quarantine outside the home. Disease control measures should be adjusted to account for probable substantial presymptomatic transmission

Presymptomatic transmission of 48% and 62% have been estimated for Singapore and Tianjin, noted the researchers who included those from Guangzhou Medical University and the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control at the University of Hong Kong


A study from China has come to the conclusion that 44 per cent of those who tested positive contracted the disease from an asymptomatic person. They estimated that viral shedding — which is when a person infects another — starts happening two to three days before the onset of symptoms.
some more it's 44% of those who tested positive. What about the untold dunno how many % that didn't even bother to come in for testing because of mild symptoms? Think by year's end whole planet will be infected already...