Indeed.The best solution for gender equality is not to have one....all humans classified as one gender.
No need for Olympics mens and women events time and money and medals.
No gender specific categories.
Just all compete the same. Men women children. Also why have paralympics? It is derogatory. Those are Olympians by their own right all compete same under one big umbrella.
Same for all sports soccer basket ball etc.
For team sports it should also be all men women and children and physicially challenged competing for spots on the same team.
Equality has to be applied equally and consistently across all areas of life except for situations where it is clearly not possible.
For example males do not have uterus or ovaries whereas females do. If males want to conceive then they need to undergo some kind of special surgery to transplant uterus from donor. This will be a new field i believe.
I am surprised why AWARE and other groups like them dont campaign for a one gender sporting world?