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Singapore ask it's males to procreate . But state continues to exploit men !


Fathers, please step up
May 12, 2010

Fairer policies and greater gender equity will boost S'pore's birth rate, says professor
By Tan Hui Yee, Correspondent


Professor Rosling says Singapore has not seen a reversal in the decline of fertility rates, unlike other high-income nations like Australia, because it lags behind in gender equality. -- ST PHOTO: LIM SIN THAI

SINGAPORE fathers are the real losers when they abdicate child-rearing responsibilities to mothers. And the state, too, becomes much poorer for it, says noted Swedish international health professor and public statistics advocate Hans Rosling.

Singapore, he notes, vexes over its baby shortage because the situation threatens its economic survival. But it should be more concerned that its falling total fertility rate (TFR) shows poor gender equity, which is an indicator of social progress.

The 62-year-old academic from Stockholm's Karolinska Institutet, which awards the Nobel Prize for medicine, was in town recently to speak at the UBS Philanthropy Forum.

'A fertility rate of 1.23 children per woman indicates that life is not that optimal for young women in Singapore. You can gather from that that Singapore women have to make a choice, either to have children or to have an active professional career,' he says.

Their inordinate sacrifice stems from the fact that would-be fathers here are not rising to the task of child-rearing, and state support for equal parenting roles is not adequate. In response, women are saying 'no' to babies.

Singapore, he notes, is a close cousin to Sweden in income and infant mortality rate. Yet both countries are moving in opposite directions when it comes to fertility rates, with the Swedish figure climbing to a 16-year high of 1.94 children per woman last year, while Singapore's dipped to a nadir of 1.23.


the sperm bank is leeported DRY. why? why does all national cumjuices go? as an ingredient for some beauty products?


The women's charter dictate that all women's interest must be protected by the law and charter's bylaw dictate that women are always at the losing end of the marriage when divorce are at hand! Alimony + maintenance of kids welfare & education. The average stinkapore men will only have enough money left from their miserable pay to buy straits times for use as cleaning paper after they are done masturbating. And the government expect stinkapore men to be fertile & procreate? What a mother fucking oops! i just entered the wrong hole you mother whore joke!


damn funny that singapore needs an ang mo to teach us how to breed. LOL!!

Yeah man .
Sometimes I farking wonder what is wrong with The Singapore Straits Times .
You think I be impressed with a white man talking ?

Why are you hiring and procuring the service of a redundant white man .

You can give the job to a equally qualified local .

Singapore bastards ruling idiots out there .

I will screw you when I have the chance with my heart and soul .

For having and sustaining such relentless political bigotry I ever seen .


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If you want a man to procreate, the male got to be attracted to a female. If the female is lousy in that kind of attraction, the forget about it.

Thai ladies, Malaysia ladies, Viet ladies, indo ladies knows how to do that job better.



Did anyone know why Singapore's birth rate is going to less than replacement ratio of 2.1?

It's the following reasons I can think of;

1. Girls/Women who want 5C from their men.

2. Giving stress to their men, and when men have stress, they simply don't feel like doing it.

3. High Cost of Living in Singapore.

4. Unmarried men, chosing women as specified by Tony Chat, Malaysian, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnam, and PRC. --> why? because Singaporean Girls/Women are too demanding, too materialistic.

5. Divorce rate is skyrocketing in Singapore as well...

And yes, Singapore do not need a redundant ANG MO KAO to teach people how to fuck...

Singaporeans just need a sustainable cost of living, and lower stress levels, and stop being called a daft..., and stop the massive FT importation... this is truly diluting the population.



Did anyone know why Singapore's birth rate is going to less than replacement ratio of 2.1?

It's the following reasons I can think of;

1. Girls/Women who want 5C from their men.

2. Giving stress to their men, and when men have stress, they simply don't feel like doing it.

3. High Cost of Living in Singapore.

4. Unmarried men, chosing women as specified by Tony Chat, Malaysian, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnam, and PRC. --> why? because Singaporean Girls/Women are too demanding, too materialistic.

5. Divorce rate is skyrocketing in Singapore as well...

And yes, Singapore do not need a redundant ANG MO KAO to teach people how to fuck...

Singaporeans just need a sustainable cost of living, and lower stress levels, and stop being called a daft..., and stop the massive FT importation... this is truly diluting the population.

You got it almost all, not to forget lowering of wages and NS which is driving many not to come back.


Don't be a loser and blame the women. This is a complex issu. stinkies living standard are declining when we import FT without end due to competition from China and India, at a time when many MNCs left Singapore. All thanks to the poor policies of the govt of the day of attracting MNC at all cost. while neglecting local businesses and fortifying GLC.


The Neanderthal Ah Beng is racing towards extinction.

What the good professor does not know yet, is Ah Beng is busy shooting his load into cheep hos in GL, Joo Chiat, KTVs and HCs.

Does Sweden have an abundance of cheep PRC hos? No.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Neanderthal Ah Beng is racing towards extinction.

What the good professor does not know yet, is Ah Beng is busy shooting his load into cheep hos in GL, Joo Chiat, KTVs and HCs.

Does Sweden have an abundance of cheep PRC hos? No.

hey shit skin do u know that kelings also constitute a part of the population so it also includes the kelings in there you stupid woman beater faggot.


solution is actually very simple.

option 1: scrap woman's charter is she produces zero baby

option 2: continue woman's charter, ban women from working, double up the salary of the male citizens.

reason? making babies is the same as animal instincts. if livelihood can easily be taken care of by the breadwinner, the women will stay home & be your baby making factory. the more moola u can bring home, the more babies she will deliver.

but bcos livelihood inflated beyond capacity of 1 breadwinner, so now women also come out to work, some earn more than her husband, n she will demand not to make babies as it affects the family's income.


solution is actually very simple.

option 1: scrap woman's charter is she produces zero baby

option 2: continue woman's charter, ban women from working, double up the salary of the male citizens.

reason? making babies is the same as animal instincts. if livelihood can easily be taken care of by the breadwinner, the women will stay home & be your baby making factory. the more moola u can bring home, the more babies she will deliver.

but bcos livelihood inflated beyond capacity of 1 breadwinner, so now women also come out to work, some earn more than her husband, n she will demand not to make babies as it affects the family's income.

Your point is critical .

Woman holding on jobs today is just counterproductive to family life .

There should be more male chauvinist to curb female employment .

The power of spending at their hands just distort the market value of goods and services .

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hey shit skin do u know that kelings also constitute a part of the population so it also includes the kelings in there you stupid woman beater faggot.

The population of Singapore is homogeneously Ah Beng, comprising 75% of the population to be exact. Even amongst the ethnic groups, Chinese has the worst fertility rates.


All the while, the role of the man is to be the sole breadwinner of the family.

It's been like this for the last few 6500 years, and it's only this century that this kind of funny reasoning of women and men equality.

The family unit is designed in a way that the women take care of home, and the men take care of the income/bread & butter/moola/deniros.

The muslims are practising this very well, and they keep the job role of the family very distinct.

This is a crazy century that we live in. Everything is all about me first, and vanity.


The answer is to matchmake SG women with China men.
That will really kill 2 birds with 1 stone.


totally agreed with sperminator...one of my female friends is seeing an irish man, some of us caution her not to fall for his charms (claims he likes to volunteer, donate to charity, on the whole generous) but her reply was," whats the worst that can happen? He fucks me, disappears, and I have his baby (eurasian)..."I think its fine if she can support the baby on her own but she does it at the expense of others...thats the way many SG females think nowadays due to the gender (in)equality in our workplaces, about 20 years back, divorcees and singles were shun from top positions in the ministry, but now it seems such people, with very selfish thinking, are in the top brass...sad days ahead...


Alfrescian (Inf)
The population of Singapore is homogeneously Ah Beng, comprising 75% of the population to be exact. Even amongst the ethnic groups, Chinese has the worst fertility rates.

LOL 75% is not a very big majority. Weren't you the one pissed off with me when i mentioned that sg owed it's success to the 75% majority?

Hence why do u shift the blame solely to the 75%?

You are just a double headed snake. Wants all the glory but tries to push the blame away. :oIo:


LOL 75% is not a very big majority.

75% Not a big majority??? Ahahahaha. My toes are laughing.

Weren't you the one pissed off with me when i mentioned that sg owed it's success to the 75% majority?

Frankly I found the touted success to be hilarious. Ah Beng is being squeezed out by Ah Tiongs and Ah Nehs and is whining about all and sundry. What success are you talking about?

Hence why do u shift the blame solely to the 75%?

Look, I don't want to sound like a broken record, but if you attribute the so-called success to the 75% Chinese majority :biggrin: please remember to take the short-comings as well.

You are just a double headed snake. Wants all the glory but tries to push the blame away. :oIo:

Spoken with a fork tongue just like a snake. Did you not credit the success of PEESAI to the 75% Chinese majority?? Why then are you running away from the blame.

Anyway what i said is FACT. Amongst all ethnic races in SG. the Ah Beng has the lowest fertility rate.


Alfrescian (Inf)
75% Not a big majority??? Ahahahaha. My toes are laughing.

Frankly I found the touted success to be hilarious. Ah Beng is being squeezed out by Ah Tiongs and Ah Nehs and is whining about all and sundry. What success are you talking about?

Look, I don't want to sound like a broken record, but if you attribute the so-called success to the 75% Chinese majority :biggrin: please remember to take the short-comings as well.

Spoken with a fork tongue just like a snake. Did you not credit the success of PEESAI to the 75% Chinese majority?? Why then are you running away from the blame.

Anyway what i said is FACT. Amongst all ethnic races in SG. the Ah Beng has the lowest fertility rate.

There's something called hypocrisy and irony and shooting your own foot.

Look twisting turning snake.

Recall an earlier thread i started about the success of singapore attributed to the 75% majority. Common sense, it's usually the majority race of a country that causes it to succeed or fail.

You were very unhappy, majorly pissed off that you started spamming me in various threads and posting the link to that post i made about the 75% majority the sucess of sg as if that were sacriligious when anyone with an iota of intelligence would know it's a fact.

In other words u wanted the credit. You wanted your race to get the credit despite only making like 10% of the population in sg?

In fact i belive you want more than your fair share of the pie. Look if u only make up 10% of the population i doubt your race has much significance but anyway this is not the issue.

The issue is about YOU wanting to claim the credit. Do you see the hypocrisy you show now? You want to claim the credit and even go everywhere to spam me when i didn't attribute any credit to you yet right now you turn 180 and try to absolve all the blame? Ironic indeed.

It's not 1 bit surprising since you're a snake and have been so since the day you were born and your serpent like behavior is well documented in the old forum, 3 in 1 and this forum and other sites like TR as well.