Someone's got to advise this bitch that she is no Susie Wong.
She's more like a five foot way prostitute, trying to act all flirty, coy and demure. You can still find some of these cheap prostitutes if you take a wander along the five foot way of Desker Road. They try to sell themselves exactly like this five foot way bitch. Most of them have better teeth though.
This five foot way prostitute needs to either invest in a fan to shield her teeth when she starts acting coy and demure or see an orthodontist very quickly to get her teeth fixed.
Someone's got to advise this bitch that she is no Susie Wong.
She's more like a five foot way prostitute, trying to act all flirty, coy and demure. You can still find some of these cheap prostitutes if you take a wander along the five foot way of Desker Road. They try to sell themselves exactly like this five foot way bitch. Most of them have better teeth though.
This five foot way prostitute needs to either invest in a fan to shield her teeth when she starts acting coy and demure or see an orthodontist very quickly to get her teeth fixed.