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Posted on 26 Apr 2010
AMK stall refuses to sell more curry to me because 'curry is precious'
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Kohji was shocked to be told that he wasn't allowed to buy an additional portion of curry because 'curry is precious' and too expensive to be sold in larger portions.
The server at the vegetarian food stall in Ang Mo Kio had given him very little curry the first time round and he wanted more, even offering to pay for it.
Hence, he was shocked that he was turned down.
Kohji says:
"This is a picture of a vegetarian stall located in Ang Mo Kio Ave 1, Blk 226, by the name of Ru Lai.
"On April 24, my brother and a of friend of our visit the stall and ordered about five dishes and three portions of rice, which I believe is quite a lot for three to eat.
"One of the dishes is curry vegetables but to our surprise, they served very little curry in a plate, so I wonder how it can be called curry vegetables?
"When I approached the girl for more curry, I was shocked that she told me that she couldn't give so much curry because it is very expensive!
"I told her that I didn't mind paying but she told me that they don't have much curry for sale because curry is very precious .
"After some time arguing, she served me a small bowl of curry.
I felt unhappy for receiving such service when I spent so much at the stall so I approached the boss to complain.
"However, I was even more surprised when she told me that there was nothing she could do because she has a contract with the worker.
"What kind of boss is she?"
AMK stall refuses to sell more curry to me because 'curry is precious'
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Kohji was shocked to be told that he wasn't allowed to buy an additional portion of curry because 'curry is precious' and too expensive to be sold in larger portions.
The server at the vegetarian food stall in Ang Mo Kio had given him very little curry the first time round and he wanted more, even offering to pay for it.
Hence, he was shocked that he was turned down.
Kohji says:
"This is a picture of a vegetarian stall located in Ang Mo Kio Ave 1, Blk 226, by the name of Ru Lai.
"On April 24, my brother and a of friend of our visit the stall and ordered about five dishes and three portions of rice, which I believe is quite a lot for three to eat.
"One of the dishes is curry vegetables but to our surprise, they served very little curry in a plate, so I wonder how it can be called curry vegetables?
"When I approached the girl for more curry, I was shocked that she told me that she couldn't give so much curry because it is very expensive!
"I told her that I didn't mind paying but she told me that they don't have much curry for sale because curry is very precious .
"After some time arguing, she served me a small bowl of curry.
I felt unhappy for receiving such service when I spent so much at the stall so I approached the boss to complain.
"However, I was even more surprised when she told me that there was nothing she could do because she has a contract with the worker.
"What kind of boss is she?"