Mdm Tang
Re: Khaw's dramatic U-turn on $2.2k bikes just another example of Pappy behaviour
Milking The Golden Cow ...
Milking The Golden Cow ...
tks boss for the update.
i can imagine Hundreds of Bikehop Pte Ltd
milking the cow ...
Milking The Golden Cow ...
The dealer who sold the 28 bikes lives in Marine Parade and he's a RC cocksucker!
Hope the CPIB reads this alert.
The vendors who missed out on tendering for this tender should write in to GeBiz to complain about unfair tendering practices and petition for the tender award to be voided.
Write to the AGC, which governs the procurement laws of GeBiz.
For the common citizen, file a Magistrate Complaint. maybe Ms Vella can step up to the plate once again.
The Nparks officer also one stupid fella. Tender open and close date is just a few days. How not to arouse suspicions?
tks for info :
a) Bernard Lim , Asst Director
b) BikeHop Pte Ltd
Another SLA Case in the making ...
i doubt anything will be voided. after all the bikes have already been paid for
By suspending the duties of the NPark officer is sweeping the breach under the carpet. Such internal NPark audit should never be allowed to happen.
This is no place or situation for an internal audit. It's turning a blind eye to the larger systemic failure of the government procurement process.
Additional Info on GeBiz: http://tiny.cc/gebiz
is this because someone has to save face?
The Nparks officer also one stupid fella. Tender open and close date is just a few days. How not to arouse suspicions?
This prove that the Pappy have been doing things on their own whims & fancies, without any check & balances over the few decades in power. Only now, that we have 1 GRC & single ward won by the opposition & the internet plus a younger "questioning" ( what do you think?) generation that we are seeing this.
Many "fat cats" over the last few decades have not been "investigated"!! The danger for us all is, the grain silos may be deeply depleted!
HDB price still going up up up. What's there to help?
Digress a little, correct me if i'm wrong but the WP has hardly raised a whimper wrt this saga or any controversial saga for that matter. A most disappointing performance.