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Shocking: FAPee Installs Dummy CCTVs in Lifts! Where is Our S&C Fee?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 16 May 2010
Man with tattoos snatches my iPhone at Circuit Rd block


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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STOMPer Ldc said a man on a bicycle snatched her iPhone as she was walking at the void deck of Block 59 Circuit Road at about 10.40am yesterday (May 15).

According to the STOMPer, the man was in the lift with her as they were going down to the void deck, and as she was walking towards the bus stop, he snatched her iPhone from her bag as he rode on the bicycle.

Said the STOMPer:

"On May 15 at 10.40am, my iPhone was snatched by a man who was with me in the lift at Block 59 Circuit Road.

"As I was walking towards the bus stop, I opened my bag to check for something inside. The thief must have seen the iPhone inside my bag, and he snatched it as he rode past me.

"I tried to hold onto the flap of the iPhone cover, but he went by too quickly and lost my grip on it.

"He was in his twenties, riding a bike, with tattoos all over his arms."

The STOMPer described the man as wearing a white top with dark board shorts. He was also wearing a cap with black and red prints on them.

She said that she had just moved into the block and was not sure if the man was a resident there.

She added:

"I reported it to the police and asked them if they could check the CCTV in the lift but they said the CCTVs in Circuit Road are not working.

"I hope when they put the CCTV, they should ensure that it is working.

"Be careful in Circuit Road! It's quite rampant that people on bikes snatch things.

"I thought Singapore is a safe place, but not anymore!"