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Share your most nostalgic memories of Singapore and win water purifiers.....who wants?


Lieutenant General
Share with us your most nostalgic memories of Singapore, and 11 lucky submissions will stand to win:

Top Prize – A Pure Two Hot/Cold Water Purifier 2nd – 10th Prizes – A Pure One Undersink Purifier Each

2nd – 10th Prizes – A Pure One Undersink Purifier Each


More at https://tinyurI.com/y587387j


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Share with us your most nostalgic memories of Singapore, and 11 lucky submissions will stand to win:

Top Prize – A Pure Two Hot/Cold Water Purifier 2nd – 10th Prizes – A Pure One Undersink Purifier Each

2nd – 10th Prizes – A Pure One Undersink Purifier Each


More at https://tinyurI.com/y587387j
Win riao and you still need to pay contractor to install piping etc. Win to waste more money. Lol :biggrin: