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[Sg video] - You can be jailed if you display the Sg flat upside down or (even partially) covered by laundry (explained by Otelli Edwards)


Then liddat how ?



Knn, ppl wear as under pants ok with it the lanjuao at flag ok? Nowadays I feel paisrito be Singaporeans when ridout case , fuck around, lawyer keng,knn


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just to play safe, don't fucking display the flag lor.

Indeed. Every citizen should have a right to do whatever they wish with their own flag, including burning it.

Jiakliaobees can't run the country properly, have too much free time, so they invent stupid laws like this to justify their own existence. :rolleyes:


Old Fart
I don't see many flags. In fact, I believe there are lesser flags as compared to previous years. It is very tragic that sinkies have been brainwashed that PAP is SG and SG is PAP. So we show our unhappiness (even resentment I dare say) towards the PAP by not displaying the flag. It is merely symbolic at the end of the day, doesn't count for shit. Let's just remember to follow through when the time comes to vote.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't see many flags. In fact, I believe there are lesser flags as compared to previous years. It is very tragic that sinkies have been brainwashed that PAP is SG and SG is PAP. So we show our unhappiness (even resentment I dare say) towards the PAP by not displaying the flag. It is merely symbolic at the end of the day, doesn't count for shit. Let's just remember to follow through when the time comes to vote.

Quite frankly, there is nothing much to celebrate. So it's the anniversary of getting kicked out of Malaysia. Big deal. :rolleyes:


Old Fart
Quite frankly, there is nothing much to celebrate. So it's the anniversary of getting kicked out of Malaysia. Big deal. :rolleyes:
Aug 9 used to mean something. It's the day we show the world how proud we are of what we've achieved, as a nation of united people. Now it's just a day for the “natural aristocracy” to boast of their grip on power, make themselves feel good, and to look good on the international stage.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Aug 9 used to mean something. It's the day we show the world how proud we are of what we've achieved, as a nation of united people. Now it's just a day for the “natural aristocracy” to boast of their grip on power, make themselves feel good, and to look good on the international stage.

It's like a spiteful divorced woman celebrating the anniversary of her divorce, reminding the ex-husband how much better off she is without him.

Very low energy.

I can deal with having a simple observance ceremony. But no, you have to burn countless weekends of students, NS slaves and grassroots lowlifes, so you can put up a propaganda shitshow. :rolleyes:



Old Fart
It's like a spiteful divorced woman celebrating the anniversary of her divorce, reminding the ex-husband how much better off she is without him.

Very low energy.

I can deal with having a simple observance ceremony. But no, you have to burn countless weekends of students, NS slaves and grassroots lowlifes, so you can put up a propaganda shitshow. :rolleyes:

Yep, a propaganda shitshow is what it is.