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[Sg video] - Teenage gangsters MMA beating 1 boy up to near death


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ganging up on one person is dishonorable. Fights should be 1v1, or team vs team.

I remember fondly participating in a free-for-all brawl at the primary school basketball court during recess, no holds barred, each kid was using fists, holding a long ruler as a striking weapon, or using the basketball as a projectile weapon. At least 50 boys rushed onto the court when recess bell rang. You just whacked the nearest target to you. And if someone tried to whack you, you try to dodge and counter.

There was no quarrel or score to settle. Someone thought it was fun, suggested it and we followed him.

Amazingly, for the first two days, no teacher intervened. Some girls were watching from the balcony but no one told a teacher. Two fenced sides of that basketball court were very near the void decks of HDB flat blocks, so passerbys and residents should have witnessed everything.

On the third day. halfway into the fight, the principal intervened. Me and many others had escaped. Those who escaped were never punished. :biggrin:

This would never be possible today, in an era of snowflake parents, social media and surveillance cameras. :wink: