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[Sg video] - S'pore condo security guards try to stop car from reversing out, driver scolds 'You can fuck me?'


Alfrescian (Inf)
Once upon a time, the older condos had very relaxed security. Anyone could walk in or walk out, no registration, checks or questions necessary.

Then paranoid control freaks imposed their values on the entire country, now even the schools have prison-style metal turnstile gates. :rolleyes:


these are all upgraders, living in executive condos, subsidised half fucked HDB flats given a fence and swimming pool. The really rich don't come near such mannerisms
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Once upon a time, the older condos had very relaxed security. Anyone could walk in or walk out, no registration, checks or questions necessary.

Then paranoid control freaks imposed their values on the entire country, now even the schools have prison-style metal turnstile gates. :rolleyes:
How come no baton or taser? Mace also can.

Vlad Tepes

What's the whole story? THe PHV is leaving, just let him leave. Would consider harassment since the car is technically not within their compound


S'pore condo security guards try to stop car from reversing out, driver scolds 'You can f**k me?'
A police report was filed by the security guards.

Matthias Ang |

July 02, 2024, 04:56 PM

A driver was seen quarrelling with the security guards of a condominium on Jun. 30, 2024, in the east of Singapore and hurling vulgarities during the dispute.

Footage of the dispute was uploaded to the Facebook group SG Road Vigilante on Jun. 30, 2024, and also circulated among the condominium's residents.

In response to Mothership's queries, a condominium resident said it is not known who filmed the incident.

Alleged dispute over security check
He alleged that the dispute started when the driver sent a passenger home to the condominium.

The driver was then purportedly held up for "security checks".

He then supposedly lost his temper and shouted at the guards.

Driver seen reversing as security attempts to stop the car
The video opens with the PHV driver reversing backwards while a security guard taps on top of the car.

He also pushes against the back of the car in an attempt to stop it.

The car also appears to have reversed over a traffic cone.

Gif via video courtesy of resident
Another security guard rushes to place a traffic cone behind the car and then attempts to stop the vehicle with the first guard.

Gif via video courtesy of resident
This second guard then proceeds to open the driver's door when the vehicle stops.

A shout of "come out!" can also be heard.

Gif via video courtesy of resident
Driver seen filming the security guards while they quarrel
The driver then emerges, phone in hand, and proceeds to quarrel with the security guards.

Gif via video courtesy of resident
One of the guards continues to direct traffic into the condominium while the dispute continues.

At one point, the driver is heard accusing the guards of "wasting my time".

One of the guards can also be heard saying that the police is coming, while pointing at a document and mentioning the word "abusing".

The driver can then be heard accusing the guards of abusing their authority and saying:

"Just give you a bit of authority and you do what...you can f**k me? You can f**k me? Did you f**k me back?"

The driver then adds, "I don't look down on you."

He eventually follows this up with, "I said you're just a guard dog...You're just a bloody dog!"

The video eventually ends with the driver still filming them.

Allegedly drove off before the police arrived
The guards called the police in response to the alleged abusive language used by the driver.

According to the resident, the driver eventually reversed out and drove away before the police arrived.

Photo courtesy of resident
In response to Mothership's queries, the police confirmed that a report was lodged and investigations are ongoing.

Top images courtesy of resident

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