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[Sg video] - SG TikToker analyzes whether earning S$3,800 per month makes you rich or poor


KNN this is the type of money a Ang pai is making currently in singkie night club.
What a loser.

Make sure you earn 50K a month in sgd will make your life more meaningful.


Salary is a very subjective matter on whether earning this $x is enough or not or whether is poor or rich.
There are so many factors involve i.e whether are you sole breadwinner, got dependent etc ?

Generally I just feel that your life will generally be the same for The median salary in sg. Meaning your life won't be of much difference whether you are earning $3k per mth or 6k per mth or even 10k per mth . You still need to stay in the same kind of flat, eat the same kind of food etc

so the point is what for make yourself suffer by thinking I must earn more, I must earn more.:rolleyes:
Yes we should aim to earn more but the more is those that will change your life kind which means so long you are an employee, things will remain the same whether you are the manager or you are the lowest rank.:cautious:

As a matter of fact, I earn lesser than manager but my bank has more money than him.
But end of the day we are living the same kind of lifestyles in sg.

Your salary as a employee isn't going to earn you to own those big ticket items even your salary is $10k 15k

:cautious: :rolleyes:
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Salary is a very subjective matter on whether earning this $x is enough or not or whether is poor or rich.
There are so many factors involve i.e whether are you sole breadwinner, got dependent etc ?

Generally I just feel that your life will generally be the same for The median salary in sg. Meaning your life won't be of much difference whether you are earning $3k per mth or 6k per mth or even 10k per mth . You still need to stay in the same kind of flat, eat the same kind of food etc

so the point is what for make yourself suffer by thinking I must earn more, I must earn more.:rolleyes:
Yes we should aim to earn more but the more is those that will change your life kind which means so long you are an employee, things will remain the same whether you are the manager or you are the lowest rank.:cautious:

As a matter of fact, I earn lesser than manager but my bank has more money than him.
But end of the day we are living the same kind of lifestyles in sg.

Your salary as a employee isn't going to earn you to own those big ticket items even your salary is $10k 15k

:cautious: :rolleyes:
People in the world are conned big time without realising it.
They worked hard and aimed to climb the corporate ladder making say $20k per mth.
I will ask you what can 20k per mth bring you to ? Can you buy that condo ? Yes but on loan LOL you do a lifetime as a slave to be on lifetime loan LOL other than that your daily activities and lifestyle is same as the security guard who earns 3k per mth..you eat.the same food as them..perhaps you get to visit that restaurant more times than them but is there a big difference or big deal with that?
Worse is that one day when you are retrenched or sick, you can no longer afford to continue stay that condo :frown:


People in the world are conned big time without realising it.
They worked hard and aimed to climb the corporate ladder making say $20k per mth.
I will ask you what can 20k per mth bring you to ? Can you buy that condo ? Yes but on loan LOL you do a lifetime as a slave to be on lifetime loan LOL other than that your daily activities and lifestyle is same as the security guard who earns 3k per mth..you eat.the same food as them..perhaps you get to visit that restaurant more times than them but is there a big difference or big deal with that?
Worse is that one day when you are retrenched or sick, you can no longer afford to continue stay that condo :frown:
So the morale of the story is -
You either think of ways to siphon other people's money to become your money so that you can lead a real Kings life or
Suck it up and lead a normal life.
Quit the stupid idea of workin/studying hard and aiming for that better miserable life :geek: :rolleyes: :redface: