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[Sg video] - Sg bu who calls herself The Lao Chio explains : CPF Exposed | What You Don't Know!


attempting to get the 'most' from your CPF
This statement is hilarious. Getting the most out of ur cpf. How to get the most? U are not in control of ur money in cpf. The only way is to buy the over price HDB. And the remainder use for retirement.

Which is an insult, giving ur peanuts per month for retirement as they decide how much u should get.. U want to get lump sum, u need to meet certain amount before u can do it.

They tell u that u cannot get ur money until u reach certain sum.. U think this is some pc game that u need to reach certain level before u can take ur own money. If it is really ur own money , u can take it as when u wish to have it.
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Yes, but for those who cannot migrate, this is not a solution
That sounds like an excuse. Ok for the sake of the discussion, let's accept that they, as parents, cannot migrate.
What is the next best thing?
Work towards and ensure the next generation migrates. If possible, for male offsprings, try not to make them do NS. Or their outlook in life and attitude will sinkie-d. Or if NS is unavoidable, try to evade reserve service.
With the world as it is today, you'd never know when you will be called up for war.
Why risk it?