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[Sg video] - NTUC chiobu kena scolded by foreigner (AMDK?) on bus 199


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Oops! Typo "NTU" not "NTIUC" Mods pls edit, thanks!

EDMWer Czyaf3127 thinks the foreigner is a BLM :
Hmm well the guy that call her a ho sounds rike a African American maybe in their culture the term ho does notch connotes a derogatory term.

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Thanks for posting this here, a chance for everyone to understand & learn...no Human is perfect & we all make mistakes in order to correct them & progress.

The lady was probably in mental distress, & thus her outbursts, which probably affected other passengers. It is only EMOTIONAL, & all Humans are emotionally driven beings, momentarily losing control, only words & nothing physical ...

We Singaporeans do live in a city, closely packed, & thus tolerance if not empathy is needed, in order for our small red dot, citizens & inhabitants to survive....

However, she DID APOLOGIZED, but instead of empathy & graciousness from the affected passenger, he instead HURLED UNNECCESARY & CALLOUS INSULTS to our fellow citizen.

Fortunately for him, it was a lady, & with a friend whom knew better to move her away from further conflict. Should it be a highly emotional alpha male driven by emotional insanity, punches/hurt & harm would have flew....

The insignificant nobody me have more empathy for the lady whom was apologetic , than the animal foul mouth passenger.

As no violence happened, may the lady be gracious enough to let it pass. Divine Retribution is REAL. Just ask those Americans whom participated in the My Lai Massacre in the 60s Nam war. None of them knew happiness, but suffered horrendously post war in civilian life, & even saw their own kids harmed....

Vengeance belongs me, so said GOD...

As for that foul mouthed male passenger....sadly...Karma awaits....


Stupid Sinkie cunt. Doesn't even know how to argue. Just tell that foreign piece of shit that she can do whatever she likes as this is Singapore. If that foreign shit mother fucker is not happy, he can jolly just fuck off from this country. And why even apologize? And that bloody useless wimp beside her.... is he her bf? She should dump him.