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[Sg video] - Gay Sinkie asks AMDK on MRT to fuck him tonight

Scrooball (clone)


Elderly man who slapped MRT passenger was depressed, alienated by his children, lawyer says​

Gan Thean Soo, 71, had slapped an MRT passenger after his sexual advances were rejected.
Najeer Yusof/TODAY
Gan Thean Soo, 71, had slapped an MRT passenger after his sexual advances were rejected.
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Wong Pei Ting
Published April 27, 2018
Updated April 27, 2018

SINGAPORE — A tipsy elderly man who slapped an MRT passenger after his sexual advances were rejected last April was drowning his sorrows in alcohol as he was depressed that his two adult children had alienated him.

Painting a picture of his client, Gan Thean Soo, as a man suffering from depression due to family-related issues, which in turn led to an alcohol problem, his lawyer Philip Loh sought a community-based sentence for his client in lieu of imprisonment on Friday (April 27).

The 71-year-old business development manager, who had pleaded guilty to two charges of voluntarily causing hurt and causing harassment, had accosted Mr Joseph Flynn De Marini in a Punggol-bound train on the North-East Line on April 19 last year, following a drinking session in Chinatown.

Court documents revealed that the 25-year-old American was seated opposite Gan in the same carriage with his female friend, 20-year-old Li Zixin, when he caught Gan staring at him.
Gan then walked towards him and started insinuating that Mr Marini was gay. The elderly man also uttered vulgarities and said he wanted to kiss Mr De Marini.

He also asked the American – more than once – if he wanted to have sex with him. Then he slapped Mr De Marini, who refuted his gay allegations several times.

After two commuters stepped in to intervene, Gan insisted that the Mr De Marini had “signalled” him.

A four-minute video of the incident went viral on social media last year after Mr De Marini uploaded the footage on Facebook. He reported the incident to the police two days later.

Without giving a time frame, Mr Loh told the court on Friday that Gan’s adult son and daughter had distanced themselves from the old man, who had sold his landed property at 34 Binchang Rise in Bishan more than 10 years ago for S$2 million to settle his debts.

As the property is now valued at S$5.4 million, Mr Loh said Gan's children may have felt "short-changed". They also "blamed him for his foolishness” for getting into debt sometime between 2004 and 2006, after apparently getting cheated by a good friend.

As a result, Gan had not seen his son since a family member’s funeral in 2017, nor had he met his second grandchild since her daughter gave birth to her, the defence lawyer noted.
Although, following the MRT incident, Gan was referred to the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) for alcohol and psychological treatment, he did not follow up with them.

But Mr Loh explained that the treatments, which cost more than S$80 a session, would create some financial strain on his client. Also, Gan could not afford to attend their frequent appointments as his job does not allow him to take too much time off, since he supervises about 30 sales representatives at his workplace.

If his sentence is community-based, Gan has the “willingness to seek proper treatment” for his alcohol and family-related issues, Mr Loh said. Offenders serving a community-based sentence may be ordered to undergo mandatory psychiatric treatment, report to a reporting centre on a regular basis for supervision, or fulfil community service or work.

“He sincerely wishes to address the issue thoroughly and practically … so (the same offence) won’t repeat in the future,” Mr Loh added, pointing out that Gan had cut down his alcohol intake since that day.

Pleading for a second chance for Gan to rehabilitate himself through a community-based sentence, Mr Loh added: “If need be, he will cut off from alcohol.”

On Friday, the court also heard that Gan would like to express his apology to Mr De Marini in person. A victim-offender conference might be arranged to facilitate that, but the investigating officer has not been able to contact the victim so far.

Sentencing was adjourned to June 12, pending his suitability report for community-based sentencing. Another charge of causing public annoyance by raising his voice in that same incident will be taken into consideration during sentencing.

District Judge May Mesenas said that Gan should follow up with his treatment options at IMH if he is “really genuine” in fixing his alcohol problem. “A follow-up is an indication of willingness. At least do something about it,” she told Gan.

Gan remains on bail at S$8,000. He could be jailed for up to two years and fined S$5,000 for voluntarily causing hurt. For harassing Mr De Marini, he could get another six months’ imprisonment and fined S$5,000.


This sg spg voicing out is really an spg ,anymore like ansl sex alot,this cb spg must be getting bang alot, that old man is gay, gay can tell ,he is speaking the truth ,n this cb anymore girl cone help cos all ang mo, lol

syed putra

This sg spg voicing out is really an spg ,anymore like ansl sex alot,this cb spg must be getting bang alot, that old man is gay, gay can tell ,he is speaking the truth ,n this cb anymore girl cone help cos all ang mo, lol
Guy is not gay. He just cannot tolerate ang moh banging a Chinese girl. I would think his daughter married a ang moh.
He should be thankful children not pestering him during after his prime years. He should focus on his job and save enough for old age home after, or just live alone till the lights go off.

Scrooball (clone)

This sg spg voicing out is really an spg ,anymore like ansl sex alot,this cb spg must be getting bang alot, that old man is gay, gay can tell ,he is speaking the truth ,n this cb anymore girl cone help cos all ang mo, lol
Gay old fart is gay but still have 2 children? Why didn’t mention the wife?

Scrooball (clone)

Because his wife is your mother. :sneaky::eek::roflmao:
Haha... u must be so butt hurt for being pointed out as an idiot. In fact, an idiot will still be smarter than you.

Lol...oh play the insult mother game. haha... so 80s. What's next? Show off your pager? :biggrin: