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[Sg video] - Did this man just force this chiobu into his Lexus and abduct her?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

sanzhu :​

Looks like a pimp dealing with one of his prostitutes.



Old Fart

sanzhu :​

Looks like a pimp dealing with one of his prostitutes.

Where there's money there's honey! Women generally have a weakness : MONEY. So folks, make or steal lots of it and women will tolerate a lot of shit from you. :biggrin:


To be abducted by a Lexus is good what ? Maybe will keep her in Pullman Resort and eat Japanese food + wine leh.

A lot of SPGs waiting to be abducted by Lexus leh. :roflmao:

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
in front petrol station...must have agreed to piak piak with helmut later guy regret wanna do raw...whore decide to pull out....money paid, guy buay song...stuff her inside repeatedly.

note...if she is forced, she could have shouted and ran away but no, she walked around the car boot....when she would have ran AWAY from that car...so,....nothing to see...its a cat and mouse game...