No way jose. Before you make the turn, you should ensure the lanes are clear. In this case, the cyclist was going straight ahead but was forced to turn left to avoid colliding with her car.
Review the video carefully again between the 8s and 11s timeline. The cyclist was on the side of the road kerb even after the dash lines to go straight ahead. If she had wanted to go straight, she will have to look at her rear and if there is no on-coming vehicle, she should follow the dash lines in order to "signal" to her rear driver that she intends to go straight instead of turning left. This is what a good cyclist, including myself, will always do when approaching a junction. If she had wanted to turn left, then there is no need to check back.
This is also why I always emphasize to make it compulsory for all cyclists to pass the highway code theory test and thereafter be given a cyclist license prior to being allowed on the road.
Besides, when the vehicle overtook the cyclist, the vehicle was at least more than 5 meters ahead of the cyclist, so how would the cyclist collide with the vehicle?