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[Sg video] - Asian (Singaporean?) chiobu stands up to AMDK and scolds him when he was rude to her

A Singaporean

How can she do that to an AMDK ? Where are all the monolingual Singlish speaking angmoh wannabe Sinkies? Why are u all not coming out and support your people ?


She did blocked the escalator as she have confessed
2 secs on a quiet Sunday, take it with a pinch of salt, yeah 2 secs.
Then a White Man told her off - "" Fucking Moron ""
Woman not happy & confronted White Man no need to use such language.
She said it herself .... She & her whole Family, using both Segway + Kick Scooter trying to access escalator !!!
What a stupid moron :biggrin: That was a FACT by the White Man .... And we all know dont argue with female moron