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[Sg] - USA Offers Ultra Long-Range AESA Radar to “Close Ally” Singapore, Detection Capability of 1,000km


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Alfrescian (Inf)
sg being Frank Lampard’s brother has its benefits

No choice lah, Tiongs also want to 拉拢 Sinkieland a.k.a. 小坡坡. But the Tiongs' influence is more of informational warfare.

Things are going to get hot in the South China Sea in the near future, this is to be expected when you're straddling the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea like a spread-eagle whore. :biggrin:


DSA/DSTA probably almost succeeded in making their own AESA radar with comparable performance characteristics.

That's why the Americans want to kill it, by offering their own, before the SG-branded one gets well known and others start buying it.

You heard it from me first ok?