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<!-- This is the free form on bottom left column of Singapore Seen -->This Urban Jungle
Posted on 27 Apr 2010
Secondary school students smoke and post these pictures online
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STOMPer A came across these pictures of secondary school students who were smoking cigarettes and shisha on a social network.
The STOMPer recounted:
“Recently, I got onto Facebook, a social networking site.
“To my horror, these secondary school students were putting up photos of them smoking shisha, and smoking cigarettes.
“I think it is a very bad example to the growing teens that are exposed to these photos.
“I hope some serious actions will be taken against them.”
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: Facebook , smoke , secondary school , students
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Don't miss these...
Hot political drama in Bangkok, but not as HOT as their car show girls!
Who says Sg men are boring? Guy proposes to GF with bus stop ad at Dhoby Ghaut
A*STAR staff condemns dead rider in ECP accident for 45-min delay and $3 ERP
Police special ops vehicle hit my car and sped off
Chinese man marries dead bride murdered 8 days before marriage
<!-- This is the free form on bottom left column of Singapore Seen -->This Urban Jungle
Posted on 27 Apr 2010
Secondary school students smoke and post these pictures online
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php/en_US"></SCRIPT><IFRAME class=FB_SERVER_IFRAME src="http://www.facebook.com/extern/login_status.php?api_key=94647dc2aba553f149d6f1f12f85ecc6&extern=2&channel=http%3A%2F%2Fsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%2Fxd_receiver.htm&locale=en_US" frameBorder=0 name=loginStatus scrolling=no></IFRAME>
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So sad
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STOMPer A came across these pictures of secondary school students who were smoking cigarettes and shisha on a social network.
The STOMPer recounted:
“Recently, I got onto Facebook, a social networking site.
“To my horror, these secondary school students were putting up photos of them smoking shisha, and smoking cigarettes.
“I think it is a very bad example to the growing teens that are exposed to these photos.
“I hope some serious actions will be taken against them.”
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: Facebook , smoke , secondary school , students