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[Sg Reddit] - The Catholic Archdiocese spoke of the LGBTQ+ as if they were demons, not humans

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Emasculated (beta) β male
  • eunuch /barren /impotent/Ah gua /Ah Kua
  • transvestite
  • trăns-vĕs′tīt″, trănz-

Who are they??
  1. A person who dresses in a style or manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex.
  2. A person who sometimes wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex; typically, a male who cross-dresses occasionally by habit or compulsion.
  3. someone who adopts the dress or manner or sexual role of the opposite sex

Jesus identifies three types of “eunuchs” in Mt. 19:2 as natural eunuchs (“born that way”), forced eunuchs (“made eunuchs by others”), and voluntary eunuchs (“those who choose”).

Christ was speaking on three Classes of Eunuchs:

➊ Those born impotent who are incapable of marriage (Mt. 19:12; Dt. 23:1)
➋ Those made eunuchs by men to be chamberlains and to care for harems and apartments of queens and princesses during earthly kingdoms of men(Mt. 19:12; 2Ki. 20:18; Jer. 29:2; 34:19; 41:16; Isa. 56:4; Acts 8:27-39)
➌ Those who make themselves eunuchs surgically or clinically for the sake of the Heavenly kingdom or Kingdom of God (Mt. 19:12)

Roman Catholics may highlight Apostle Paul, who was never married. Paul was exceptional as he was a Eunuch himself
Paul falls in the first category as he was impotent and not interested in marriage. The thorn in the flesh is nothing but this infirmities in his own flesh or body

We can't compare Paul with the catholic bishops.

Most Significant miracle of Paul

❖ Paul was once stoned to death in the city of Iconium. As Paul was dead lying motionless, the Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people to draw him out of the city supposing he had been dead (Acts 14:19). Bible recorded that he rose up as Greek: anistemi (G450), to stand up, rise again, and is used for resurrection. (2Cor. 11:25; Acts 14:19)

❖ 14 years later, Paul said to Corinth Church that had had been to Paradise as it is in the third heaven (2Cor. 12:2,4). Paul could NOT narrate his experience as he heard unspeakable words. This simply means that human lips and tongue could not express them. They were too sacred to repeat. Paul considered it is not lawful for a man to utter. Paul may have been forbidden to utter these words, like John was commanded to seal up and write not what the seven thunders uttered (Rev. 10:4). However, when Paul wrote to Galatians, Paul expressed it was Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead (Gal. 1:1)

Paul had been to Heaven and came back. Devil cannot impute any sexual sins on to such folks
For me I had seen some part of Hell and some part of Heaven, so devil cannot tempt me so easily. Only 1% girls who are exceptionally gorgeous may grab my attention, 99% of girls cannot.