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[Sg] - PAP Shawn Huang facebook posts himself eating humble packet of cai png outdoors on a bench


Alfrescian (Inf)
No need to do all these because this does not tell whether a MP is good or not. Just don't increase conservancy charges is better.

They see a need because a lot of low IQ ones out there feel emotionally connected to these goons whenever such photos are posted. That usually translates to votes.


PAP MPs have always been taught to live humbly, dress humbly, speak humbly, drive humbly and eat humbly. :rolleyes::alien::biggrin:

Scrooball (clone)

PAP MPs have always been taught to live humbly, dress humbly, speak humbly, drive humbly and eat humbly. :rolleyes::alien::biggrin:
That one didn’t hit the mark did it?



Who is he?

Tiagong , was a Fighter Pilot deh woh ...

Tiagong , prior to last GE , surname changed for "Heng Ong Huat " ... :biggrin:

Wiki :

"Another criticism arose over Huang’s poor temperament during the 2018 National Day Parade rehearsal.

Reports made on Huang who allegedly threw lunch boxes at another military volunteer after he failed to receive his lunch box.

Huang subsequently explained that he returned the lunch boxes politely with two other Warrant Officers as his witness.[1] "
Last edited:


Tiagong , was a Fighter Pilot deh woh ...

Tiagong , prior to last GE , surname changed for "Heng Ong Huat " ... :biggrin:

Wiki :

"Another criticism arose over Huang’s poor temperament during the 2018 National Day Parade rehearsal.

Reports made on Huang who allegedly threw lunch boxes at another military volunteer after he failed to receive his lunch box.

Huang subsequently explained that he returned the lunch boxes politely with two other Warrant Officers as his witness.[1] "
The witnesses were coerced or bribed?


Tiagong , was a Fighter Pilot deh woh ...

Tiagong , prior to last GE , surname changed for "Heng Ong Huat " ... :biggrin:

Wiki :

"Another criticism arose over Huang’s poor temperament during the 2018 National Day Parade rehearsal.

Reports made on Huang who allegedly threw lunch boxes at another military volunteer after he failed to receive his lunch box.

Huang subsequently explained that he returned the lunch boxes politely with two other Warrant Officers as his witness.[1] "
Warrant officers are regular army!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
"Another criticism arose over Huang’s poor temperament during the 2018 National Day Parade rehearsal.

Reports made on Huang who allegedly threw lunch boxes at another military volunteer after he failed to receive his lunch box.

Huang subsequently explained that he returned the lunch boxes politely with two other Warrant Officers as his witness.[1] "
